13: That Felt Great

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"Huhhhhh, god." Mandalay sighed after cranking the valve for hot water to spout through the shower head. Sweat coated her skin and drenched through her light red sports bra with matching leggings, her desire to rid her body of the sticky clothing reaching ever higher levels. "I need a nap."

And a nap she shall get after going for her daily workout routine in the mornings. Despite being in a temporary state of standby Mandalay was not going to take that as a sign to laze around and leave her body to detoriate in it's physical fitness. Because who knows when Ragdoll decided to take action once more even with her status as Quirkless, that is, if she even decided go take up the mantle of being a Pussycat again. The deadline to make her decision of being a hero or not is closing in rapidly and whatever she decides to do with her career, Mandalay will support her. They all will.

Drawing back dandelion yellow curtains from a small window over the shower Mandalay went to quick work in disposing her drenched clothing from her body. The first being her leggings, slipping her fingers in the waist band and shimmying her hips side to side as she wiggled herself out of the clothing. Once the leggings had been taken down to her ankles she stepped out and kicked her feet to fling the article up against the wall closest to her, next changing her focus onto her bra. First she adjusted the cups to be above her breasts, allowing the second part to be much easier in just taking hold of the sides and yanking it over the top of her head and off her body. Now left in just a thin pair of underwear she gathered the dirty clothing and tossed them in a nearby hamper while she waited for the water to heat up.

Mandalay was a beautiful woman, many people could say that. Even Midoriya could say that statement over and over again without getting tired of it but for the woman herself, she didn't think so. Not because she was trying to get attention or she wanted people to feel pity for her, no none of that. The real reason as to why she felt that way was because of a bastardized reason that clung to her even to this day. The same reason that she saw whenever she looks at herself right now in the mirror, that deep feeling of disgust and low self-esteem coming back to her by the second. Her reason?

High school insecurities. A bastard child of a reason.

Mandalay sighed as she inspected her nude body in the mirror, turning her hips and looking over herself with a glum feeling. Her legs faced away from the mirror but she twisted her back so that the side of her chest could be parallel with the glass, looking down at her rump that she displayed for herself to see. Using her fingers she lifted the underside of her butt, huffing and feeling as if it was nothing special or anything worth mentioning to anyone. But then again that's because in the mirror she didn't see herself for what she is now but rather what she saw back in high school. The Shino Sosaki that she hated and despised still hidden deep inside, waiting for the wrong moments to come out and show herself. That woman in the mirror with curvy hips, large breasts and a sizable butt that can fill a hand with each cheek? She just didn't see it. She kept seeing her younger under developed self in the reflection nothing more than that.

But there was a bit of conflict in Mandalay, one side being herself and the other side being Midoriya's words. His praise battled and clashed with her bastard insecurity and if she's being honest? Found his words to give her some slight bit of hope in looking in the mirror and not seeing high-school Shino Sosaki. It's strange how Midoriya, somebody who she hasn't entered in a relationship with, somehow managed to make her self-esteem feel higher than when it did while she was dating her ex-boyfriend. And the night of their sexual exchange was solid evidence of that. With Hasashi whenever those two had sex, she felt dirty, like a toy almost. Thinking back on it she realizes majority of the work was done by her and anything he touched it was just to grope and cop for his own satisfaction.

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