11: Healing

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Sosaki: Hey. It's me, Shino. I know I've been the shittiest person in the world for the past few days and if I'm being honest I can understand if you choose not to follow through with this message but I'm contacting to let you know that I need to have a talk with you. It's important that we have this in person too, not over the phone. This sounds weird but if you're coming bring a pair of swimming trunks and an extra set of an outfit or something, then meet me at this hotel that I'll send you directions to at 5:00 PM. I know this all seems weird and out of the blue but if you come I'll explain everything. Please come Midoriya. I need to fix what I've done.


All was quiet inside of a hotel room in the top luxurious floor, the ticking clock being the only audible source of noise outside of the mild hum from the ventilation system. The tension was so thick it's as if a hand was able to manifest from the energy alone and take a shoulder into it's iron grip, and to think there weren't multiple people within this luxurious room but instead one person and one person alone for the time being. A small crimson red backpack with cat ears and a tail lay over the pillows of a single bed as in the kitchen area three icecubes were dispensed into a glass with American whiskey following soon after. Gold liquor sloshed at the bottom of the glass as Mandalay sighed before raising it to her lips and sipping, a strong and firm taste hitting her taste buds like a reality check.

Her fingers tapped against the exterior of the glass as she leaned against a counter and looked out the windows. It was grey outside, cloudy, a depressed and moody vibe filling her soul and dragging her down. To say she feels like the biggest villain on this planet was an understatement, maybe the biggest villain in all of the multiverse would be able to hold a candle as to how she felt. It was sickening, revolting, and mind-crushing. The sight of her waking up in the morning and looking in the mirror made her want to retch at the mere instance her image was reflected back to her from the glass and it spread like a virus, slowly eating away at her will and strength. The thought of even thinking about hanging that hero title over her head felt shameful, disrespectful to those who actually deserve it.

To think that she would abandon somebody on their first occurrence of sexual intercourse was something that she never thought she would do before. But reality was more cruel than what she took it for, and even more knowing it was her own fear and insecurity that crippled her into a mental mayhem. That morning when she woke up naked next to Midoriya, the amount of panic and frenzy that entered her at once caused her entire rational system to instantly shut down and kick into an unstable overdrive. So many thoughts and so many worries were racing through her head at once it made it difficult to even keep her hands steady for more than a second and her breath constant when inhaling or exhaling. There were thoughts of ethical issues, emotional ones, mental pains, performance worries and the worst of all,

Sexual harassment.

The combination of those two words were like a sledgehammer to Mandalay's walls, battering and slamming each and every second of her day trying to get in. Did she do to him what she thinks she's done? To commit an action like that on somebody who's already unstable enough as it is in the mind had to call for the worst sentence known to man if not execution at that. Yes she may have been inebriated with her balance of rational judgement and decision making tipping all over the place but she's been in that state before, she's been in the position of having alcohol running through her system and corrupting her better state of mind. But in those other instances she wasn't as stressed as she was recently, the amount of pressure on her needs and desires being far less comparable than what they were currently.

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