IX: The Perfect Woman

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Warning: NSFW.




Was all Midoriya could think of the current situation, and he wasn't talking about the storm. Nope. He had other issues to deal with. For starters his biggest issue right now would be how on earth he's going to survive in a room with in his opinion one of the hottest women on the planet. Chances of him keeping his composure?


With no other option to take shelter from the storm and definitely not holing it out inside the restaurant Mandalay and Midoriya were forced to stay at a nearby love hotel, the time spent in paying for the room awkward beyond all hell. Thankfully the clerk at the desk seemed a little bit drunk and not completely with reality so that made things a little bit easier. Not much but it was better than something.

Located on the third floor of the hotel, honestly? It really wasn't that bad of a spot if one could just look past the fact that it was meant for erotic business between two lovers. It was pretty spacious, with a miniature bar located on the left side of the room where there was also a large fish tank installed with a cool neon blue glow emanating from the tank. A large section of the wall furthest from the door was replaced with glass panels that at the moment didn't really give much of a view outside of a huge downpour of rain but oddly enough it was still comforting. Two giant hearts, one of them being a couch was in the middle of the room with the other being the bed itself pushed up against the furthest wall on the right. LED strips ran through the top and bottom of each wall, a soft and dull transitioning through the rainbow colors.

On the edge of the bed itself sat Midoriya who was doing everything that he can to not spontaneously combust through the power of absolute fear. After running through the storm his clothes were drenched and was now changed into a set of cotton burgundy red robes, not much length in terms of how it draped off of his legs and forearms. His hands were clasped together with elbows propped on the inside of his knees as his breath shuddered into the side of his hands with body slowly rocking back and forth. It was hard enough for him knowing that from the look of things he'll have to spend the night with a grown woman inside a risky location but to have that woman be somebody like Mandalay? Good-looking great personality that brings together his kind of sexy? Yeah, he's making sure his hands are kept to his side at all times.


"Phew, now that was refreshing." Mandalay exhaled as she exited from the bathroom on the right in her sleepwear. Midoriya turned to see the woman drying off the back of her damp hair with a clean towel, she too dressed in robes except hers were emerald green in color. When arriving she pointed out how funny it was that the provided robes just so happened to be colors that played perfectly with them and how they should try on the other's color to see how they fare. "And with the cold air of the room too, this is great. Whadduya think? Do I look good in green?"

"U-U-UHHH Y-YEAH YOU LOOK GOOD. R-REAL GOOD YEAH UH-HUH." Midoriya stuttered, failing in keeping his eyes away from how curvy she looked in the robe. "L-Looks great really mm-hmm."

"You saying that just cause you're biased to green or honest opinion?"

"Honest opinion. You uh, *AHEM*. You look great. U-Uh, TV?"

"Oooh. Uhhh, I'm not so sure you wanna watch the TV."

"Why? There has to be some TV in here right?" Midoriya asked as he reached behind him to grab a remote control. "Movies or something?"



"~Oh! Oh fuck!~"

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