22: Encounter

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"GROUP MEETING. Everybody group meeting in the living room please."

At the request of Mandalay calling the hero team to the living room the Pussycats followed without question or hesitation, Pixie-Bob exiting the bathroom with her headphones hanging from her hand as the others were already nearby and present. Standing at the front and focal point of the living room were Mandalay and Midoriya side by side each other, a nervous expression painted on the student's face as he awkwardly clasped and rubbed his hands together. With the blonde Pussycat joining Tiger and Ragdoll on the couch as well as Kota being scooped onto the blonde's lap, it was Tiger who spoke first out of everybody else. "What's going on?"

Mandalay took a deep breath through her nostrils before speaking. "There is erm, something, that Izuku and I would like to share with you guys. Something that, I hope you guys can be open to, and continue to work with us for so long as this team is together. Initially, we weren't planning on sharing this with you guys just yet since it's only rather new, we were kinda hoping that we might have a little bit more time to figure out how to break this down to you but after a little thing that happened yesterday with Shiretoko, we kinda don't have that luxury now. Izuku and I talked for a bit wondering if everybody else should be filled in the loop and after a while of discussing it with each other, we think it might be best if we just tell you. Rather that than have one person know about it but hide it from everybody else. Izuku?"

"Guys, Shino and I....we're-"

"You're dating yeah we know."

Mandalay and Midoriya simultaneously widened their eyes at Pixie-Bob's comment, the blonde having said so with an absolutely laid back and nonchalant expression. "Wh-You KNOW? What do you mean you know did Shiretoko tell you?"

"No you two have made that very obvious to everyone." Tiger commented. "A freshly cleaned pane of glass isn't as clear as the signs you two have given. A blind person could have seen that."

"And you guys never brought it up to me?"

"Well we just thought you two may have wanted some privacy about it." Pixie-Bob answered. "I mean, Sosaki, it's your relationship. We wouldn't want to intrude on anything that you feel might be private to you two. Though if there was anything I'd say it'd be you did a terrible job in hiding that hickey on you."

Midoriya palmed both sides of his forehead with a loud smack. "SHINO!"

"I-I thought I had done a good job of covering it up heh, oops."

"Look, whatever sort of worries you two might have about of us or if you think we have any issues about this, we can promise you there's nothing that we have to say against you two. We trust Sosaki enough to know that she knows what she's doing, and we've worked enough times with Kitten to know that he's a smart cookie and he knows what's right and what's wrong. Who are we to break up something that you guys are happy about?"

"Plus, rather a relationship like this than the last relationship Sosaki had." Ragdoll huffed. "I hate that guy, Midoriya's a much better pick for you through and through."

"So Dumbface Poopy Pants is dating my auntie?" Kota growled. "Lame, now that means I have to see more of him. Hey! Dumbface!"


"If you're gonna come around a lot at least bring something with you that lets me not see your stupid looking face. You better bring food or something."

"I'll uh, keep that in mind then." Midoriya gulped. "So, everybody's c-cool with this then? Nooooo, no comments concerns heh? A-Anything?"

"...you know, now that you ask, I guess there is one thing that does come to mind." Tiger said. "And that's the concern of whether you are willing to commit to this sort of relationship."

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