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Mirabel Madrigal falls back as a loud shock wave went out over the crowd and a blue mist settled in the hall. The crowd looks around themselves confused at what she had just done and the sudden blue mist.

She's confused by what she just did when suddenly blue mist swirls around her and a large blue dragon appeared by her side. It's scales shimmered like the night stars, it's spiked head was pushed back, it's wings were long and elegant with feathered tips, and it's eyes shown with a fierce glint. It looks at her and prowled around her sniffing before sitting down besides her like a protective body guard.

"My word!"

Mirabel looks to the crowd and saw that she didn't just cast her own patronus. A blue misted Phoenix had perched on Dumbledore's shoulder, Ms M had a cat bouncing around her in the air, Professor Sprout had a large bug of some sort on her nose, Professor Flit-wick had a owl flying around himself, and Professor Snape had a deer by him, but he quickly shoed it away.

The teachers weren't the only ones, the mist swirled around everyone in the hall before taking forms of animals around them in light blue light mist. Alma had a chimpanzee jumping on the floor around her, Camilo had a chameleon crawling up his arm, Augustine had a Flamingo appear beside him, Harry had a stag run around him, Hermione had a platypus swimming in the air around her, Ron had a dog licking his face, the Weasley twins had some type of bird, and overall there was a animal frenzy. Misty blue animals appeared by people and than started running around, tripping a few people up, but really causing no actual harm.

She saw animals she didn't even know existed running or flying around through the air, all while her own animal stayed by her. Mirabel started getting nervous, this wasn't part of her act! Sensing her distress the dragon looks at her, than at the crowd letting out a loud roar. It stops all the animals and they look at it, before going off to their owners. Each other just got within a meter of a person and turned into mist settling on their bodies. Mirabel's dragon was no different, but waited until everyone else's had gone before going into her's became mist and settled on her body. As soon as that happened she stood up, bows, and says. "Thank you for your time," before quickly walking off.

That didn't happen before! She did a small patronus when practicing not that! Was that even a patronus?!

She looks at her wand and now that she was in better light her heart seizes seeing it wasn't her wand! It was just a stick and she had been too nervous not to notice. She growls and looks around the crowd spotting Malfoy. She quickly goes up to him and asks. "Where is my wand? You gave me a fake," Mirabel said angrily and showing the stick.

Draco looks at it and shrugs. "I saw you drop it I thought it was your wand," He defends himself. "Now dear," Malfoy's father looks down at her, a odd glint similar to Quirl's flashing in his eyes. "Who did you say you were?" He asks.

Mirabel did not answer because the next moment she realized everyone was talking, and it was about her.

"That was amazing!"

"Was that even possible?"

"It felt like a patronus,"

"She's powerful,"

"Mirabel your wand,"

Camilo ran up to her and hands it too her. "I found it outside the door," Camilo said to her. Mirabel saw all the eyes on her and she pulls her robes up. "Where's papa?" She asks her cousin, she needs her papa. Camilo could tell she was upset and quickly guided her over to her papa. Augustine gives her a big hug and said how proud he was. Alma said how she didn't expect Mirabel could do anything as beautiful as that.

Mirabel just nodded, but on the inside she was still freaking out. "Mirabel that was bloody something! What did you do?" Mirabel looks at Ron, but just lowers her head and blinks back the tears. Something was wrong.

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