A Long Night

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To make a long story short.

Over the next week Norbert grew almost bigger than Hagrid's hut, had bit Ron's arm, and had to go to the hospital wing because it turns out Norbert's bite was poisonous.

Ron sent a letter to his brother older brother Charlie about it and he agreed to have some of his guys get Norbert out. It took some convincing before Hagrid agreed that for everyone's safety they needed to let Norbert go away with his own kind. The plan to get Norbert out of the castle was simple that Harry and Hermione sneak out in Harry's invisibly cloak. "Where did you get a cloak and can how can I make one?" Mirabel asks. "Christmas and not sure," Harry responded. Than Mirabel would distract Ms M, whom was on night watch that night, by pestering her for help with her transfiguration and learning how to become a animagus.

All was well until Ron accidentally lent Draco his book containing the letter his brother had sent to them. Mirabel found out about this when Draco confronted her about it. She denied it and he saw he wouldn't tell anyone about her involvement if she told him where the dragon was right now. Again Mirabel played dumb and left him standing in the hall angrily.

At the end of the week Mirabel came up to Ms M's office just before she left on her rounds. "Mirabel? What are you doing out so late? Cutting it close aren't we?" She asks looking at a clock in the study saying it was five minutes before all students had to be back in the dorms.

"I was hoping to talk to you about something personal," Mirabel said in a low whisper, but loud enough for the older woman to hear her. Ms M looks at her and her wide pleading eyes and sighs. "Alright dear come in," She said and Mirabel happily skips in as Ms M sat down at her desk with a lit lamp by her.

"Now what is it?" She asks. "Well lately students haven't really liked being around me anymore since the talent show. I think they're scared of me or something? So I was thinking I could do something really cool, and something unique to my family," She said and Ms M raises her right eyebrow. "And what 'cool' thing would that happen to be?" She asks. "I want to be like you! A animagus. Can you teach me? Porfavor?" Mirabel asks with large bleeding eyes.

Ms M seemed momentarily shocked by this request before quickly denying it. "Absolutely not! Becoming a animagus may seem fun, but it is quite dangerous," She warns Mirabel. "But Ms please it would be amazing! I could be a cat just like you, and your the nicest teacher in the school," Mirabel flatters her. "Flattery won't win you my support with your venture Ms Madrigal. When you said you were going to do a patronus I thought you would do something else. I know you want to be powerful so your more like your family, but you'll learn in time that you need to follow your own pace," Ms M said, but Mirabel wasn't going to give up.

"But it would be perfect! I could be so useful if I was a cat like you," Mirabel said. "I assure you dear you would not be a cat," Ms M said. "How could you know that?" Mirabel asks. "Well," Ms M began explaining all about how a animagus works when Draco knocks on the door and entering. "Professor! Potter and Granger snuck out of their dorms," he said in a tattling sort of way.

Ms M stood up and she looked furious. "Draco Malfoy! What are you doing out of bed!" She screams at him. Draco suddenly looses what little colour he had left in his face and said. "Why I was telling you miss that," he began but she stood up. "Mirabel stay here," she orders her before leaving grabbing Malfoy's arm on the way out.

This left Mirabel alone in the classroom and panicking. Ms M was totally going to find Harry and Hermione sneaking Norbert out.

Quickly she got up to go after them and try to slow Ms M down or warm her friends. She exited and headed in the direction she thought Ms M had gone with Draco.

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