Ep.5 Hero, but just for a few minutes

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The Big day!

" Wake up! Wake up! We're going to be late! " Somebody was shaking me while I was trying to hide under my blanket.

" Back off! I need some sleep. I went to sleep" I rolled over.

" It's already 11 "

I opened one of my eyes and took a look at a person standing in front of me. My phone was laying on the table so I took it and looked at the time finding out that Chubby wasn't wrong. It led me to a huge surprise and when I wanted to step out of my bed, my foot got stuck in the sheets and I ended up falling out of my bed onto Chubby's chest. Here my embarrassment comes.

Skip a few minutes...

" Lu Yue. " I called my friend.

" Mh? " he turned his head to take a look at me.

" This morning was something unusually strange. " I looked him in the eyes.

" What was it? " He curiously lifted his eyebrow.

" When my foot got stuck in the sheets and I fell on Cubby there was a strange feeling for a moment.  "

" Did you fall in love?  " He laughed.

" No, no. When I looked at his face I saw the other person, but just for a few seconds.  What does that mean? " I looked around to make sure that nobody is listening or watching us.

" That's interesting.  Who did you see? "

" Damn you, Lu Yue.  I need to know what that means and you want to know who it was. We're on the bus, somebody can hear us. " I looked at him with mad eyes.

" You guys are too loud. We already heard it. So, Vivian who was the person? Well poor Chubby, you didn't have a chance to even look at his face when he was trying for you. " Cat spoke as he and K looked at us from the front. Lao K's gaze was cold when he was watching me and it made me feel bad.

" Forget it. I'll just take a nap. " I looked at Lu Yue and closed my eyes.

" Did I do something wrong? " Cat spoke.

" I did. " K scoffed and turned around.

" What do you mean? Ey! K, I'm talking to you. " Lu Yue kept the nose into his business.

" Shhh, Lu Yue.  Just relax.  " I touched his arm and felt how he sat down next to me.

" We're finally here! Prepare yourself mentally, people on TV are waiting for us. " Rui announced.

I waited for them to get off first since they are more important.  K was the last one to get out and I, unfortunately, bumped into him.

" I'm sorry. I'm sorry. " I bowed a couple of times when he turned to me.

" Pathetic." He mumbled to himself making me want to throw a punch onto his face.

I left the bus being the last one. Ming was waiting for me outside while the team confidentially went in. I smiled at my cousin and then I was asked a question.

" Are You in case Vivian Adams? A worldwide famous dance choreographer and a neor- " I cut him off.

" Yes. But sorry, no questions for today. " I waved for them and I and Ming went inside.

" Why did you cut everybody off when the conversation starts about the hospital? " Ming suddenly asked.

" Because, it's not the right time for people around me to know the truth. " I spoke back.

K's Point Of View...

" The first match was easy. I hope that we will win the second one. " Cat happily spoke.

" They are not professional at all. We will beat them. Don't worry. " I petted his back.

As we were heading to the staff room I saw something unusual.

" Hey, guys. You go, I need to use the bathroom.  " They couldn't even say a word 'cause I was already gone.

I went in the direction where I saw a man dragging somebody. It was near the toilet and when I heard them talking I stopped in my tracks to be able to hear them.

" You're pretty, you know that? " A man said making me sulk.

" Get your hands off me. I know you don't want to end up in trouble. " A familiar voice spoke back making me wonder who is it. I peeked at them to find out who it was and to my surprise, I saw a man holding Vivian's right wrist which I accidentally bruised. He pinned it to the wall making me furious.

" You have a pretty long tongue, don't you? " He leaned in to look closer at her lips.

" I count on three. If you're not going to let me go- " She wasn't able to finish 'cause he roughly kissed her making me come from the shadows and push that brat away.

" You better keep your dirty hands for yourself.  " I spoke as he stood up, he just laughed.

" I see you have a boyfriend here. I probably should leave you here. You need to talk, because you cheated, darling.  " The man looked at her for the last time and left still smirking.

" Seriously? Those men are going way too far. " I talked to myself as I watched him disappear. I took a deep breath and looked at the time. I had 5 minutes left.

I haven't even glanced at her when I decided to leave. I had to find my way to the stage. What was worrying me the most was that she said nothing.  I heard nothing from her. She was still standing there. Suddenly her phone started ringing and I stopped in my tracks when I heard that she answered it.

" Yes? "

There was no danger for her, so I just left.

Make It Right ( From series " Falling Into Your Smile ") [ Lao K FF ]Where stories live. Discover now