Ep.19 Realization

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K's point of view...

It's been two weeks since the accident happened. Vivian was in a coma and nobody knew when is she coming back and if she was planning to wake up. Sitting next to her hospital bed I have seen her tearing up. Doctors said that she can smile and cry while sleeping like this. Her condition wasn't getting better. It was still the same and it was scaring that shit out of us. It was hard to leave her ward and go home. We took a break from the gaming world to stay by Vivian's side as often as possible. Ming had the hardest time leaving her aside. He would cry holding her hand and mumbling something more to himself than to her. It was the hardest time for all of us.

" She wasn't happy, but she showed us her beautiful smile. " Ming scoffed while sitting on the other side of Vivian's bed holding her hand and rubbing it softly. I looked up at him, but he was watching her face. " She was so strong fighting with her problems alone and I was so busy that I wasn't there for her. I'm such a fool. " Ming caressed Vivian's cheek for a few seconds.

" You couldn't do anything, Ming. She decided to keep her problems to herself. You can't blame yourself. " I said holding Vivian's right hand.

" I don't know what will I do if she decis to leave. " Ming sniffed before touching his black eye bags. My mind couldn't process the thought of her leaving us. It just wasn't right.

Lu Yue entered the ward with 3 cups of coffee for 3 zombies who has no intentions of leaving. We were sitting here and watching her as if she was going to wake up soon and curse me over again. But we knew that at this time it was not possible. She had a very low chance to come back to us and make us a happy family again. All of us wanted the same thing.

" No signs? " Lu Yue asked handing me a cup of coffee while watching Vivian who had her body covered in tubes to keep her alive. It was a moment of silence before I shake my head no.

" This is so irritating. " Lu Yue hissed before plopping onto the couch near the window.

I put my head slowly and softly onto Vivian's hand having no intention of hurting her. Her slow breathing was now heard by me letting me know that she was with me. I slowly rubbed her soft hand with my thumb looking at it and hoping that it will move, but it never did. Her hands were cold and her heartbeat was slow. She was lying peacefully on the bed not moving at all.

" You love her, don't you? " Ming's voice made me raise my head and look at him. His eyes were soft and he had black eye bags under his eyes testifying to his sleepless nights. My gaze was stuck on the window now trying to avoid his piercing eyes.

" Yes. " I was waiting for the worse, but instead he just sighed. My eyes automatically found his gaze wondering what is going on inside his head. He was looking at me saying absolutely nothing creeping me out.

" That must hurt. " He nodded to himself. I was confused by his words before understanding that he was talking about Vivian's condition.

" It is. " I placed my head on Vivian's hand again. We stayed like that for good 15 minutes ignoring the silence between us and those annoying beeps. I wonder what is she dreaming of now. By her teary eyes, I could tell that it was sad.

" You guys are softies. " Lu Yue broke the silence making me and Ming look at him.

" Says the one who was crying 2 hours ago. " Ming scoffed and that led us to a good laughing session.

A few hours later the ward was full of people. Tong Yao thought that it was a good idea to bring Estella so Vivian to feel better, but the hospital's rules were against animals in the hospital, close to the patients. That crazy girl wasn't minding the rules at all. She hid the cat in her jumper and pretended to be a pregnant woman. Chubby took his favorite snacks and placed them on Vivian's night table. Poor guy wasn't eating properly ever since the accident happened. Rui had a hard time covering the real reason why we took the break. Mao placed a boutique of flowers next to Chubby's snacks making the ward look a bit more colorful.

I never really understood the feeling of love from the family neither did Vivian. We both were two lost puppies before meeting these beautiful and caring people. We were so similar and so different at the same time that it made us ourselves and it showed me the sight of love that I have never imagined I'll feel. I just now realized that if I by any chance will lose her I lose my home and myself too. They say that sometimes you can have a house and call it your home, but sometimes you find a home in a person. And this time my home is Vivian. The strongest woman I have ever seen who's now lying in a hospital bed fighting for her life. My home is slowly breaking into pieces and nobody knows if it's going to grow back into a beautiful sight again. It's unbelievable that people start to appreciate things they have just when they are close to losing them. People are indeed stupid and unthankful.

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