Ep.15 Accident

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Lao K's point of view...

" Ming, you have to calm down. By throwing things we won't change a single thing. " Cheng grabbed Ming's shoulder and looked him in the eyes. Ming was panting hard and his eyes got black bags from sleepless nights.

It was the third day without Vivian in the house. Two sleepless nights with a head filled with the worse thoughts. It was frustrating and it made me angry all the time. I was so used to Vivian's curses on me and our bickering that it was cutting me in pieces knowing that she was somewhere all alone with a psycho by her side instead of laughing here with the whole team. My phone made a signal letting me know that someone has sent me a message. I wasn't willing to take my phone out of my pocket, but my mind was telling me that it was important. I lazily took out my phone and tapped the screen a few times letting my eyes pop out at the sight I just saw. It was a message from a "Pumpkinhead" aka Vivian Adams. I quickly opened the message seeing that it was a location in a place that was out of the city.

" Hey, guys. " I called for them as they were silently watching Ming. " I got a location of a place where Vivian is. I will send it to you. Someone has to go to the police station right now. Ming, Lu Yue, and Mao ( Cat ) will come with me. " They were standing for a few minutes processing what was happening before making their way out. I took my car keys and made my way out as well.

We climbed into the car and made our way to the abandoned factory. Ming who was sitting on the passenger's seat was showing me the way to the factory. I could see his hands shaking while I was squeezing the steering wheel with my sweating palms making my knuckles change their color.

Vivian's point of view...

The room was cold. My white hoodie now was wet and dirty and my black jeans had holes in them. My body was screaming for water and food, but Jacob decided that I'm pretty without it. The bruises on my face and other body parts were beautiful to him. He was hitting me whenever and wherever he wants nonstop as if it satisfied him while I was having struggled to stay conscious. I was lying on the cold floor regaining my 15 percent of energy and trying to stand up knowing that he was in no way coming back soon. I knew that it was just the two of us here, so I had a chance to escape. I made my way through the door holding my stomach. By the color of the skin on the stomach, I knew that the internal bleeding has started. My breathing was unstable and my whole body hurt like a bitch. I have never experienced this in my life. Of course, I have seen these types of bruises and complications in the hospital, but I never knew that it will happen to me too.

" Where are you heading, sweetheart? " A voice behind my back spoke and I froze. There was nowhere to go now. I was standing by the edge of the building and Jacob was blocking the way out. He was coming closer with heavy steps making my heart beat faster. I was walking backward, but unfortunately, it was the end of the rooftop. I had just two options stay still and be dragged into that hell again or jump and have a 45 percent of chance to survive. In both ways, I can end up in the morgue. Better than being tortured by a psychopath. I quickly climbed onto the edge as Jacob widened his eyes and froze.

" Vivian. " He said with a worried expression on his face. " You don't understand what you are about to do. Just get off the edge and I promise that everything is going to be better than okay. " He slowly started to walk toward me as I stepped back and he stopped.

" I prefer to jump instead of staying here and being beaten up by someone like you. " I spat to him suddenly getting back into my confident self and showing my bitchy side. I saw anger in his eyes, but as I stepped back his expression changed into worried again. It was just a lie.

" Vivian, get off the edge and I will let you go. Just...Just don't leave me. " He spoke softly, but I intensely shook my head.

" If you would have been acting nice all of this would have never happened. " I softly said and he again started to move my way, but I put my hand up to stop him from doing so.

" You know my disease very well and-" He couldn't finish his sentence as I cut him off.

" Disease is not an excuse in this kind of situation! You knew that you could treat it! I fucking told you to meet those doctors and take your medications, but you never listen!" I snapped out making him flinch. He just stood there looking at me for a few seconds. " You knew that I needed you and you heard when I said that I need you by my side, but you let the disease take over you. You're mentally unstable, Jacob. Admit it. " His death stare was piercing into my soul every passing minute.

" Vivian, I'm asking you nicely for the last time. Get back down here and let's forget that this shit happened. " He was coming my way not minding my position anyway. I gulped my saliva and closed my eyes for a few seconds.

" No. " I opened my eyes and saw how fast he was going towards me as I took my final step back and felt no ground under me. So this is how birds feel when they fly.

" VIVIAN! "a scream was heard as my body fell on the cold road making my eyes open, close, and open again.

The pain in my body suddenly stopped and I let out a deep breath which I didn't know I was holding before finally closing my eyes.

Make It Right ( From series " Falling Into Your Smile ") [ Lao K FF ]Where stories live. Discover now