Ep.17 Surgery

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!! Warning!! Details about ongoing surgery!!!

Doctor Lu's point of view.

Operating room!

" What's happening? " I said as soon as I entered the OR with my wet hands.

" One of our neurosurgeons got into an accident. We have to do two surgeries at the same time for the same person. " Ji Yang explained.

" Do you have any brain pictures? "

" No. We couldn't do that. She's in critical condition. We have to hurry. " I nodded as I walked to the table where my patient was laying.

I never thought that I will have to do surgery for my best neurosurgeon and now it showed me how fast can tables turn. Doing a double surgery was the hardest thing ever. It always had complications and it was a miracle if the patient survived, but unfortunately, it had never happened. No matter what happens I knew that I have to save her life.

" I need a 10th knife and prepare suction. " I took the knife from the nurse and started to cut by the line which was drawn by Vivian's resident. I had to concentrate and don't let my mind think of anything else just the brain of the person in front of me.

" 17th knife. " I felt the knife on my palm and continued my work. I cut the membrane of the brain seeing no sign of the brain's real color. It was all covered in blood.

" Suction. " Vivian's resident started to pump out blood.

" We have no time. Her brain is damaged enough. " I said as we started to clean the brain.

" Lucas, close it. I believe in you. " I tapped Vivian's resident's shoulder as I stood up. I couldn't leave the second-year resident alone, so I stood a bit further.

I watched as Lucas carefully closed the hole and sewed it perfectly. But this time complications came Lisa's way. Vivian's heart was stopping and it was far from good.

" Use suction! What are you waiting for? The blood in her abdomen is killing her!" I made my way to Lisa's residence and took the suction out of her hands finishing her work. The patient's artery was ruptured and it wasn't good at all. I touched the area of her stomach trying to find where the blood was coming from.

" The artery between 3rd and 4th ribs is ruptured. " I looked at Lisa who had just now gotten back from reality. She gave me her knife and I took it without question.

I put the knife between her ribs and started to cut. It wasn't my profession, but I had to study this too. The hole in her head was already covered so I could do whatever I had to do. The nurse was ready to clip the artery which now was visible, but I refused her help.

" Dr. Yang. Take the clips and help me here. " Lisa almost immediately stood next to me clipping the artery and taking the suction into her other palm, but I took it to myself to pump out the blood while Lisa and her resident engaged in sewing the artery.

K's point of view...

It was already 8 hours after the nurses took Vivian to the operating room. Lu Yue was walking around impatiently waiting for somebody to come out and tell the news. Tong Yao and Cheng went to buy coffee for all of us since the poor girl was pissing us all off with her stupid thoughts and loud cries. Chubby was sleeping on an uncomfortable couch in the waiting room. Cat and Rui were outside and nobody knows what are they doing there. Ming was moving on the chair like a psycho from anxiety. All of us had a lot of thoughts mixed in our minds scaring the shit out of us. It wasn't the usual atmosphere between us and the reason is Jacob. The one sitting behind the bars waiting for the priest's decision. The door of the operating room flew open revealing one of the doctors dressed in dark blue.

" Vivian Adams's family? " He asked knowing the answer as we just nod.

" Patient's brain was badly damaged, but we managed to save it on time. The ruptured artery was forming internal bleeding cousin a lot of trouble for the surgeons. After taking care of the ruptured artery the whole surgery went well. " The doctor reported, but one question wasn't leaving my mind.

" Is she going to be alright? " I asked the question which was roaming into my mind 24/7 for the past two days.

" It's hard to tell. No one ever survived double surgery and knowing that this patient is still in critical condition doesn't help at all. If she's going to wake up that's going to be a miracle. " After hearing the doctor's words Ming fell on the chair he was sitting on before the doctor came out.

I was speechless. Does she have a very low chance to survive? Is she going to leave and let us visit her when she will be 6 feet underground? No. That can't be true. That's not possible. She is going to wake up. She has to wake up. She can't leave us like that. She can't leave me. After I realized what I feel towards her she has a low chance to come back. No. No, that's so damn hard.

" Can we... Can we see her? " Ming's cracking voice destroyed the silence.

" We're going to put her in an intensive care unit and let you visit her. " The doctor said before bowing and going back to the operating room.

The others were already back wondering if we heard something from the doctor. By their faces, I could tell that the news shocked them. Ming was blaming himself all the time making me angry. No one knew that it was going to happen and no one ever imagined that it was going to happen. How could it possibly be someone's fault other than Jacob's?

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