Ep.14 Jacob

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I could hear voices in the empty room. My head was heavy and it felt like someone was spinning me around on a rollercoaster. My heavy eyelids finally gathered the strength to open and let my eyes roam around the place I was in. The walls and floor were dirty and there was a strange smell of gasoline. I was sitting on an uncomfortable chair with my hands tied up behind my back and my legs tied in a way that I could never escape. My head turned to the sound of footsteps coming my way. My vision was still a little bit blurry, but that voice I could recognize everywhere.

" You're already awake. I thought that I'll need to wait a bit longer. " He stood in front of me placing a chair and sitting on it while showing me his disgusting smirk.

" If I could I would spit on your face right at this moment. Looking at your face makes me seasick. " The thought of sitting in front of him was driving me insane. Never imagined sitting in front of him ever again in my entire life.

" My little kitty's fangs got exacerbated I see. " He wiggled his eyebrows. This man was driving me crazier with each passing second only by showing his presents in front of my face.

" Screw you, alien. " I spat at him and it wasn't the best thing I could do ''cause at the same minute when those words left my mouth I felt a burning pain in my left cheek.

" Look what I did to your pretty face. You again made me think like I am some kind of a crazy man. Let me take care of that for you. " He tried to touch my burning cheek, but I turned my face to the other side.

" Tsk. Vivian, darling. You're testing my patients now. I don't want to hurt you. " Jacob aggressively took my jaw into his grip crushing it. I hissed in pain trying to avoid his crazy eyes. " Look at me when I'm talking to you! " He raised his voice at me. My mind was somewhere else as the man in front of my face was mumbling something.

I wonder what is Ming thinking right now? Is he heartbroken? I hope not. After all, I knew that Jacob is going to come back. He never let go of the thought of taking me as his wife. Jacob had a disease and it was in a worse state. He was always a happy and cheerful friend of mine, but when he turned out to be a psycho he started doing strange things. At first, he was just acting weird. Always walking around and talking to himself. Jacob was one of my childhood friends who always supported me, but after finding out about his condition he stopped communicating with other people completely drowning in his disease. The Jacob I knew at that time turned into a psychopath who had no life.

" If you're going to let me go. I promise that I won't let the police arrest you. " I looked at him with the hope that he will listen to me for once. All he did was just laugh hard.

" You think that I don't know what are you thinking right now? You're going to run away and report me to the police. No, darling. That's not how it works. " He caressed a strand of hair of mine and went out of this strange place.

Great. Just great. If he's going to keep me here then should I say bye to my life? This whole kidnapping thing was messing my mind so badly. I wanted to go home and tell Ming my opinion of him or curse K like always. Have a nice movie evening with Cat and Chubby. Talk about random stuff with Tong Yao. Go for a walk to calm my mind with Lu Yue. Have a good conversation with Rui and Cheng. I was so used to this life that at this moment I couldn't think about anything else. Those people brought so much happiness into my life that I couldn't think of anything else. They were those people who were letting me feel all the love that I have never felt before. They were my family. A family which I wanted to have my entire life and finally could have.

They were occupying my mind 24/7 now. They say that you start to appreciate the things you had just when you're close to losing them. My whole life depended on those people for almost 5 months now. I couldn't think of anything else. My work wasn't that hear touching to think of it before knowing that my life might end soon. Being in the hands of a psychopath always brings the scariest thoughts to your head. I remembered that I still had my phone in my pocket. It was hard to take it out, but I still managed to do it. I tried to move my hands to see the screen and where to send my location. The first address I saw was K's. I had no time knowing that Jacob can enter this place any minute now and then I would be screwed. I sent the location as soon as possible and put my phone back in my pocket. He must be stupid not to take my phone away or must be that smart to lure the people who will come into his trap.

" I hope that it's going to be smooth. Just open the message, K. " I mumbled to myself, and the door of the space flew open revealing Jacob. My eyes and mind were already tired of him and his bullshit.

" I forgot to ask. Do you want some water? My kitty has to be hydrated. " He showed his teeth while smiling and I just shook my head in response. " Talk! I told you to communicate with me, didn't I?! " He shouted out of the blue as I just looked at him confused.

" You haven't said anything about it... " I looked him straight in the eyes.

" Oh. That's my bad then. Do you want some water? " He asked again making me roll my eyes.

" No. "

Make It Right ( From series " Falling Into Your Smile ") [ Lao K FF ]Where stories live. Discover now