Ep.11 Holiday

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" Don't you have a job? " Ming asked as he sat next to me.

" No. I dropped out and decided to live under you. What do you think? " I looked at him with that playful smirk on my face.

" I wouldn't mind. " I scoffed at his words.

" Then I have a 2-week-long holiday. "

" VIVIAN HAS A BREAK FROM HER JOB? " Patty came running to us.

" What about it? " I asked confused.

" Let's have a trip to the mountains. " The boy suggested.


I still have no idea why did I even agree to go on this stupid trip. We walked for 3 hours nonstop, and I could feel my legs numb. I'd rather now be working in the OR. This thing needs a lot of energy and strength. Working in the hospital was way better. I mentally slapped myself for agreeing to this. I had no choice but to stop walking 'cause I was feeling like a zombie. I lowered my head and saw a pair of white sneakers.

" Are you alright? " HE asked while holding my left hand and I just nod.

" Wanna sit down for a while? You look tired. "

" No, it's okay. You can keep up with the others. " I smiled at him, but he didn't listen. K made me sit down on a rock and handed me a water bottle.

" Take this. It will help. " I nodded and sipped a little.

" I'm wondering how is Tong Yao that strong" I sighed looking at her figure which just stopped.

" She's not. I'm sure that captain Cheng will sooner or later carry her to the top of the mountain. " He chuckled making my heartbeat 3 times faster. K has never done that to me before and the dream I had about me lying in the hospital bed and him confessing his love to me was making me feel things I have never felt before.

At the moment he said that Cheng will carry Yao, he did. They stopped and Yao got onto his back as they started walking again.

" Wow, you pretty much know them, don't you? " I giggled.

" You can say that. Are you feeling better? I think we should catch up with them. " He stood up and helped me stand. We walked side by side, our hands from time to time brushing through each other. His hands were warm while mine were cold as ice.

I guess he noticed it as he stopped making me stop as well. He took his bad off his shoulders and took his black gloves out. I stood there confused as he took my right hand and put it in the glove.

" What are you doing? "

" It will help you feel warmer. " He answer with a soft smile as he took my hand and started dragging me to the others.

This guy is going to melt my heart sooner or later.

" Finally! " Patty shouted as we reached the top of the mountain.

" I'm surprised that you haven't stopped for a minute. " Rui laughed at him making Patty glare at him.

" Look at the view! " I let go of K's hand and went to the edge of the mountain looking at the blue sky and white clouds.

" Vivian you better step back. It's dangerous. " Ming warned and I rolled my eyes.

" You're no fun, Ming. " I said as I stepped a few steps back.

" Congratulations, Ming. You ruined her mood. "

" Lu Yue, what do you know about her mood? She's always like that. " Ming glared at him.

" Ming, calm down. " Cat touched his shoulder.

" I'm calm..."

We decided to stay for the night, to relax and have some fun. We knew that the bond that we had wasn't that strong, so we had to let it grow. All of us sat around the fire and just talked about random stuff. After a while, we all split up. I saw K sitting on a rock alone. He was the type of person who likes to sit alone, but usually, Cat sticks around him and that's why they're so close now. I stood up from the ground and made my way toward him.

" How are you feeling?" I asked as I sat next to him. He looked at me and then back at the mountains again.

" I'm alright. What about you? " He paid attention to me now.

" I'm good. Isn't it nice? " I looked up at the stars as I asked.

" Hmmm. " He hummed in response.

" K? "

" Hmm? "

" Why do you hate me so much? " This question was rooming around in my mind for the last 4 months in China. I looked at him when I asked the question.

" I don't. It's just-"

" Just what? " I asked with concern.

" I guess I was afraid. " He looked away.

" Afraid of what? Am I that scary? " I joke as he chuckled.

" No. I was afraid that I might get attached to you one day. And my biggest fear came true. " The last part he mumbled to himself. but I heard it. I was left in confusion and didn't know what to say.

" What do you mean? "

" Just forget about this conversation. " He shrugged and looked back at the mountains.

" Vivi, come! It's 2 AM. We're leaving at 9" Ming shouted. I didn't want to leave K. I wanted answers. I sighed knowing that Ming won't back off and stooped up making my way to the tent before wishing K a good night.

" You always have to ruin the good mood. " I rolled my eyes at my older cousin.

" Watch your mouth young lady. I'm like your father. " He proudly said making me laugh at his stupidity.

" Yeah. You're a 50-year-old man. " He immediately face-palmed himself as I laughed even harder.

Make It Right ( From series " Falling Into Your Smile ") [ Lao K FF ]Where stories live. Discover now