Ep.20 Who are you?

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My whole body was aching. It felt like someone has cracked my bones and taken them out. The sound of beeps was making my ears hurt a lot. It was hard to breathe and my chest was moving up and down faster than it should. Something was wrong and I felt it. My eyes were moving from left to right, but as much as I wanted to open them I couldn't. The sound of people running in and shouting was horrible. It was irritating me and I just wanted to get up and kick them all out, but my body wasn't listening to it. My whole body was feeling numb and I couldn't move a single muscle of it and it was scaring me that I might end up disabled.

" Inject 4 milligrams of morphine and get ready for the surgery. She is bleeding from the inside. " I heard a voice that was slowly fading away.

Am I dying?

K's point of view...

I was out of Vivian's ward just for a few minutes, but when I came back the view shocked me. Ming was out of the ward and nurses were occupying it. My mind was processing the whole thing while the nurses took Vivian out of the room and Ming was just standing there dumbfounded.

" What's happening? " I asked with terror in my eyes and voice. This was something that I wasn't expecting to see.

" Something went wrong. They are going to do surgery, but nobody knows if she's going to wake up after. " Ming explained sitting down. I could feel my knees giving up, so I just stormed out of the hospital.

My mind was running around like a lost child trying hard to avoid the fact that she was leaving every passing minute now. I took my car keys and drove to the mountains where we spent the night. I was lost. The fear of losing her was bigger than the fear of dying. I would let her curse at me, beat me, scold me, yell at me, but just if she could stand here in front of me safe and healthy. With no injuries and the ability to die sooner than it was meant for her to leave.

I was just going crazy now.

End of K's POV...

The feeling of pain came back once again. But this time it was better. My mind now finally could think straight and the first thought which came into my mind was " What happened?" My eyes still were refusing to open like they were glued. I tried to move my fingers and this time it was a success. I slowly opened my eyes meeting the darkroom and the sound of my heartbeat. I realized that I was in a hospital. I raised my right hand to see if everything is okay. A catheter was placed into my left arm connecting my body with those annoying machines. The environment wasn't familiar at all. How could I end up in the hospital? Did I hit my head when my mom kicked me out of the house?


" I'm sick of you talking shit. Can you look in the mirror and see that you're useless? " Olivia, my mother shouted at me making me flinch.

" Me? I am useless in front of you? I'm working my ass off for this broken family and you dare to say that I'm useless? Wow, I would understand if you would say that your youngest daughter is useless, but now. I'm just speechless. " I scoffed. My cheek felt burning pain as my head turned to the other side. She slapped me. The woman I have called my mother for more than 23 years has slapped me because she knew that I was right.

" How dare you to touch me like that? If grandpa was here-"

" But he isn't. He's dead, Vivian. Just stop talking about dead people! You're always talking about your grandfather. Just fucking go after him if you need him this much! You know what? Just leave my fucking house. I don't need your presents at my house anymore. " She took me by the elbow and started to drag me out of the kitchen to the main door.

" What are you doing? Let go of me! " I was struggling to get away from her grip but her nails made their way into my skin making me his in pain. She opened the door and pushed me out of the main door.

" Don't ever come back! Do you hear me? Never! " She yelled for the last time before closing the door right into my face.

" If you wouldn't be my biological mother I would have spat into your fucking face! " I yelled before turning around and walking away.

End of flashback...

" What the fuck am I doing here? " I mumbled to myself. What happened after I left? Did I go for a drink and got into a fight? " I'm so confused. " The nurse entered the ward with wide eyes like she couldn't believe that I'm alive.

" Oh my God! Call for Dr. Lu. She's awake! " The same nurse ran out of the ward. Shouldn't she look at how am I doing? What the hell is happening? A tall, Asian guy with doctor's clothes rushed in followed by two nurses.

" Vivian! You're awake. " The doctor spoke with a shocked expression on his face.

" Vivian? Do I know you? " I furrowed my eyebrows and his eyes widen.

" Run the most needed tests right now and call her relatives. " The same doctor told the nurse and she ran out of the ward rushing like a crazy person.

" What's your name? " He came closer to me and checked my eyes.

" Vivian Adams. " I answered almost immediately.

" Do you know where are you at the moment? " He asked again and I was hesitating for a moment. I had no idea where am I.

" No. I can tell that I'm in a hospital, but I don't know where. It's very unfamiliar to me. " I looked around the ward.

" Do you know why are you here? " This question was also spinning in my mind all this time.

" No." I answered again, but this time my voice was shaking.

A few minutes later I got to know that I fell off the building. It was unrealistic, how could I fall off the building if I don't remember that? And what the hell am I doing in China? They said that Ming is on his way so I waited patiently for him to tell me what was going on. The door of my hospital room flew open revealing tired Ming's face. He sat on the chair which was placed next to my bed and started to thank someone. I was more than confused. His face was tired, he had black eye bags under his brown eyes, and his hair was messy.

" I'm so grateful that you woke up. You have no idea. " He cried out while I was watching him confused. What the hell?

" You're acting as if I was gone for a year. " I rolled my eyes at him. We were talking almost every day. What's going on?

" Vivian. You were in a coma for 2 and a half months. " His words shocked me. Coma? Almost 3 months? The door flew open again ruining our moment and revealing a group of people. They were coming my way with worried expressions completely freaking me out. I looked at them in horror and they stopped walking looking at me with questioning eyes.

" Who are you? Ming, do I know these people? " I looked at my cousin, but my cousin's gaze was stuck on the guy with black hair who had swollen and now teary eyes.

*** The End ***

; Thank you for reading and I hope that you enjoyed it!💕💜

Make It Right ( From series " Falling Into Your Smile ") [ Lao K FF ]Where stories live. Discover now