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baby doll, when it comes to a lover
i promise that you'll never find another like me


I sat at my desk bright and early the next morning. Things were back to normal — I was present before Peggy and most of my coworkers.

"Hey Blondie, what's for breakfast?" Agent Jack Thompson asked smugly.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "What do you want, Blondie?"

He looked at me for a moment before ignoring my question and sauntering past my desk.

I shook my head at his senseless antics and huffed in annoyance.

The sudden ring of the phone at my desk caused me to jump slightly in my chair. I took a breath and grabbed the phone tiredly.


"Are you hungry?" It was Jack.

I huffed again and slammed the phone back onto the receiver.

Truthfully, I was starving. I hadn't had breakfast and there was a food-induced aroma in the air. Despite my hunger, I couldn't give Jack any satisfaction of knowing how hungry I was.

The devil swiftly strolled back past me with a brown paper bag and swung it in front of my face.

I swatted it away.

"Don't you want the food?"

"Not from you. I'd rather starve."

"You might wanna eat something, you will need the energy."

"I think I have enough energy to answer phone calls and fetch coffee."

"Actually, the guys down at the lab requested your presence."

"What? Why?"

He casually leaned on my desk.

"They want to make sure there isn't anything special about your blood."

"I was never injected with the serum," I retorted.

"Well, they insist. I tried to tell them there is nothing special about you!" He put his hands up and walked away.

I scowled at him and chucked a piece of paper at his head. I ate the contents of the bag and continued to do more work.

Peggy entered the office about half an hour later and I waved her over to let her in on everything Jack said.

"But Steve was the one who got the injection, not you."

"That's what I said!"

She hummed quietly and furrowed her thick eyebrows. "They have no place in touching you at all."

I saw Jack walk back around toward me. "Here comes Satan. I'll talk to you later, Peg."

"Time to go Rogers!"

"What room?" I asked.

"I'm here to escort you."

"I don't need you to —"

He already started walking away, so I groaned and followed him. He lead me down a hallway.

"What makes you think I am incapable of finding a room?"

"Blondie, you're like a puppy dog."

"Did you just compare me to a dog?"

"A puppy dog, yes. You get excited about everything and you always act like you are tougher than you really are."

agent rogers • j. thompson Where stories live. Discover now