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and i've been meaning to tell you
i think your house is haunted


The typewriter's coded message had everyone at work buzzing.

I was not in the position to give any intel on the matter, so I remained at my desk and waited patiently for Peggy to arrive.

However, long before she arrived, I was pulled into the lab again.


"Agent." I corrected.

"Right, Agent Rogers, we believe we have a shot with the vitamins to rid the other shot, that you must've been allergic to, out of your system. So if you would just sit over here —"

"We are not doing this anymore."

"It was not an option. You have been given orders."

"It's my body!"

"And who is the professional?" He asked with annoyance.

"I am not doing th-" two larger men grabbed my arms and forced me to sit in the chair. They quickly and carelessly stabbed my arm with the needle of what I knew to be more serum. I screamed in pain.

"How dare you touch me!" I cried as I ripped my arms from their grips. The scientist who administered the shot tried to approach me, which earned him a swift punch to the jaw.

I quickly darted out of the room and ran right into Jack.

"Easy there. What just happened?" His eyebrows were furrowed in confusion.

"They injected more ser—shit into me. So, I, erm.. I punched one of them in the face?"

He shook his head with the smallest hint of amusement on his face. Through the amused look, I could see the concern in his eyes.

I followed Jack and Peggy into the Chief's office where the two debated with no solution in sight. Peggy argued that both she and I should be part of this team.

I remained quiet and everyone continued to act like I wasn't there. I was still flustered, so I didn't interject.

Jack was saying anything to keep us off the team, like that he needed brawn. I didn't really care about that though, it was what Dooley said. He didn't want to be the man to get the damsel killed.

"What makes you think we'll die? And if we do, what makes it different than the death of a male agent? I am strong, and I'm strong enough to die fighting for a cause I believe in." I spoke up.

Dooley just sighed, dismissing my outburst.

"Cheif Dooley, Peggy and I know the Russian terrain better than anyone else you could find."

"We could even get the 107th." Peggy added.

"Well then let's make a deal... If you can get them on the team, waiting for us in Russia, you both go."

"What?!" Jack exclaimed in exasperation.

Peggy and I went to go contact the Howling Commandos, and sure enough, they agreed to meet us there.

"They will be waiting for us!" Peggy announced, waltzing back in.

"Well then... Suit up." Dooley said reluctantly.

A few hours later, Peggy and I stood outside of the men's locker room.

Jack surprisingly let us in after we explained that the ladies locker room was inaccessible. We slipped to the other side of the lockers so the guys wouldn't be able to watch us change. I changed rather quickly, but Peggy was a little slower.

When Sousa walked in asking for something, Jack told him the locker number to a locker on our side. Peggy and Daniel both jumped, and Peggy turned around. Daniel, however, stared at her shoulder. Her shoulder...

He wished her a distracted good luck and walked off.

"Peggy." I tried to say, but it just came out scratchy and inaudible. I let out an involuntary squeal of pain.

"Peggy are you clothed yet?" Jack asked quickly.

"Yes." She answered just as quickly.

They both seemed genuinely worried about me.

Jack came rushing over as Peggy sat at my other side. I was noticeably leaning away from Jack. He had on the pants, but he was still in his white under tank, so yeah, it was extremely difficult to lean away.

"Charlotte, you can't go to Russia with you being so ill!" Peggy exclaimed.

"No!" I croaked out. My breaths were laboured and heavy. It hurt to speak, but I didn't want to be left behind. "It's not... anything bad... I just won't... speak..."

"I... Okay, but any problems and you are staying in a safe place and waiting for us." Jack said.

I nod, avoiding his gaze.

I couldn't believe they were still allowing me to go, but hey, I wasn't going to fight it.

On the plane ride there, everyone prepared and talked strategy. When we got closer to our jumping time, Jack was growing visibly nervous.

"You nervous?" Peggy mocked.

"Was that your women's intuition speaking?"

"How's this for women's intuition- this is your first jump?"

"Ninth. Eight practice ones!"

"You'll be fine!"

"Thanks Carter, but I already have a mother. What I need right now, are soldiers."

I knew this was a tough guy act. Peggy and I could both see it. I decided to return the favor he had done for me a few weeks ago.

I walked over to him and gripped his warm hand.

He was trying so hard to hide his shock.

I tried to speak again, this time really softly.

"You... don't need to... act so... tough." I whispered, almost too quiet for him to hear, but he heard it.

"Stop making me soft, Rogers." He muttered quietly back.

He released my hand and walked away. I sighed before following him and joining the rest of the team. Everyone, besides Peggy and I, highly doubted that the 107th would be down there waiting for us.

But, of course, the goofballs were waiting. They just couldn't get the password correct.

We prepared a campsite for ourselves, but the team didn't settle down.

This was going to be a long night.

agent rogers • j. thompson Where stories live. Discover now