look what you made me do.

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i don't like your kingdom keys
they once belonged to me


Howard had abruptly returned and already had more demands.

After he had sent Charlotte to discretely take photos of the inventions we had stored in the lab, he desperately sent the two of us to get what he called the Blitzkrieg Button.

This was urgent, he claimed, because the device would supposedly wipe out the entire city's power if pressed. Therefore, it was dire that it be replaced with a fake.

I, however, knew Stark better than that. And, of course, it didn't help him that Mr. Jarvis was a terrible liar.

They were lying about what was in the device, and I had to figure out what it really was.

Charlotte and I had decided to get two jobs done in one go. Fortunately, Chief was in Germany. Unfortunately, Thompson was in charge and had all the men in the bureau working late.

While I went to get the so-called 'Blitzkrieg Button', Charlotte snuck into the lab to try to get more answered.

Thankfully, no one was in the labs the later hours, so we would hopefully be in the clear.

I snuck in and snatched the button, swiftly replacing it with the fake.

That much was easy.

On my way out, I saw people walking through the doors heading my way, so I quickly hid in an interrogation room. Little did I know, Agent Thompson was in there.

(A/N: they have the same conversation as they do on the show, I just don't remember the exact thing so I am going to skip it. I will fill it in once I know.)

I stormed out and went through another door where I would be hidden.

I took a deep breath and pressed the button.

Nothing. No city wide blackout. All it did was open, and inside was a thin vial holding a red substance. I felt sick to my stomach as I thought about what it was.


While Peggy went to retrieve the button, I continued my search for answers.

It wasn't very difficult, since they left everything lying out. Amateurs.

The substance and the file were literally right next to each other. There was nothing really left of the shot, only a few drops, so I took it to the file to find out more information.

Project Rebirth
Test Subject: Rogers, Charlotte
Objective: use super soldier serum previously used on Steve Rogers on similar DNA
•super soldier serum was injected into subject's body
•subject endured 2 hours of intense pain
•subject continues to have episodes of illness
•cannot get serum out of subject's system
•still no cure
•subject is stronger and taller, but still the same internally
•serum worked, however useless in a woman's body
•not enough serum
•recreate/find a way to multiply
•inject more

My breathing sped up. The room started to spin.

I quickly threw the file back where it belonged when I heard talking outside of the door. I prayed that they would go away, but they opened the door and walked right in. I swiftly slipped through the door before they could spot me and hurried towards the exit.

agent rogers • j. thompson Where stories live. Discover now