i did something bad.

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if a man talks shit, then i owe him nothing
i don't regret it one bit, 'cause he had it coming


I kept aggressively throwing questions at Dr. Ivchenko until Chief Dooley pulled me out. He furiously asked me what my deal was.

When I told him what was going on, he told me to look into it. I was completely shocked, definitely not expecting that answer.

Still, I didn't push it any further.

I spent the rest of my day stopping at a jewelry shops to get a list of all of the girls Howard had bought bracelets for. I let Charlotte have a break from running around, which meant that she was probably just sitting at work.

Jarvis and I found the one we were searching for, but she was gone.


Meanwhile, Sousa went to the prison visitation centre to visit the man Charlotte previously tied to a chair.

He showed the man, Sheldon, two photos — one of a perky blonde and another of a serious brunette.

Sousa affirmed his suspicions that Peggy and Charlotte were guilty.

Elsewhere, Dottie stopped in for an interview with a sleazy dentist. She killed him and communicated across the street through a window with none other than Dr. Ivchenko. In morse code, she said "new directive: kill Peggy Carter and Charlotte Rogers."

As Ivchenko started to hypnotise Dooley, Sousa interrupted with the news about the two double agents.


"Rogers! Get the hell in here!" I heard Dooley yell.

I frowned at the sound of his voice. I had no clue why he'd be calling for me so angrily —unless...

Despite wearing a pair of uncomfortable heels, I made a run for it. I couldn't focus on who was yelling what as Agents began to surround me. I was able most of them out with the help of my enhanced strength.

Unfortunately, I was stopped by the one and only Jack Thompson.

He didn't even have to use physical force. I just stopped when I saw the look on his face.

I let him come up to me and handcuff my hands behind my back. I let him drag me into the interrogation room. I let him handcuff one of my hands to the table.

He looked extremely angry and hurt. He soon walked out of the room without saying anything.

Sousa came in and I simply looked up at him.

"Where is Carter?" He asked.

"Like I'd tell you."

"You don't really have a choice."

"Oh, but I do. Do with me what you wish, but I would never jeopardize the location of the only family I have left."

"You don't want to do this. Please, just don't do this."

"Why don't you just look for your girlfriend yourself?"

"This isn't the time for jokes, Rogers."

"Yeah? Then why are you here?" I retorted. Immediately, I regretted it.

I don't know what had gotten into me.

My guilt grew deeper when he looked down solemnly and walked out of the room.

"I'm sorry!" I groan.

Finally, Jack came in.

"This wasn't real, was it?" He almost whispered after an incredibly long and distressed silence.

"What do you mean?" I asked softly.

"Was I just a part of your little game with Stark? Is that what this is to you? A game?"

"No! You have to understand —"

"I understand perfectly. You were just using me, Rogers."

I huffed in anger. The nerve of this guy.

"That's awfully bold, Jack. You knew what they were injecting in me this whole time and you let me be used as a lab rat."

"This isn't about that right now —"

"You can't just act like this never happened. I'll tell you everything if you can truthfully say you had no idea about Project Rebirth."

I stared the man down, daring him to deny it. But he couldn't.

"It wasn't my place to say anything..."

"Then it's not my place to give the SSR any information," I coldly stated.

"Charlotte, you know what happens to people who don't talk.."

"Jack, you are too sexist to hit a woman."


"I'm not kidding."

"Neither am I."

"Go ahead Thompson. Punch me across the face until my teeth fall out and your hands bleed. I. Won't. Tell."

Jack walked out frustrated, but he briefly stopped at the door. "You are trouble."

Moments later, a man I didn't really recognize walked in and did what Jack couldn't — he punched me.

agent rogers • j. thompson Where stories live. Discover now