mad woman.

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what a shame she went mad
no one likes a mad woman
you made her like that


Sousa and I investigated the strange phenomenon that occurred at the theatre.

I approached Sousa when he began to hack up a lung, but he cut me off.

He angrily grabbed my neck and pulled me to the ground, and choked me. I struggled to get out of his tight grip, but I had no chance of freeing myself.

I had to thank my lucky stars that someone was there to knock him out cold.

Sousa was taken to a hospital room to find out what exactly happened. When the girls arrived, Peggy stepped into his room to see him.

Meanwhile, Charlotte and I were stuck in the waiting room with an awkward and uncomfortable air around us. We couldn't even look at each other.

I only saw her when she first walked in, which made me feel bad because I saw her bruised face. But I shouldn't feel bad... It wasn't my fault.

We were left alone in the room together and I could honestly say that I had never been in a more awkward atmosphere than this.

"Why are you in here?" I asked without looking toward her.

"Don't talk to me."

"Why are you the one mad at me?!"

"Seriously?! Jack, I'm not the only one who kept a big secret!"

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

"Project Rebirth. You knew this whole time!"

"I hardly knew a thing about the serum, Rogers. But at least I wasn't using you for my own gain."

"I wasn't using you — "

"I can't believe I was willing to let my guard down all to be your little pawn!"

"Everything Peggy and I have done has had nothing to do with how I feel about you. That was all real."

"I just can't do this. How am I supposed to trust you? You told me to be real around you all while you were lying straight to my face."

"I... Let's just stop. I knew this conversation wouldn't end well. Please don't talk to me until we can fix the problems outside of us." She walked away from me, probably going by Carter's, with tears pooling in her eyes.

I watched her walk away with a heavy heart.

To think I was ready to open myself up to a woman who I thought I could love.


I slipped into the ladies room and tried to breathe.

I knew very well that bigger things were happening now, and that this shouldn't even matter to me.

I wanted nothing more than to slip away and live a normal life.

Jack and I weren't a likely couple. Hell, I'm probably better suited for Daniel. Yet, I was drawn to Jack in ways I could never explain. He made me feel insane butterflies in my stomach.

I brought myself back to the moment by splashing cool water onto my face. I thought about Steve, and what he might've done in this situation.

Bucky would've said that boys aren't worth it. Steve would always threaten to beat up any boy who hurt me, and Bucky actually would. But Steve would've done anything to fight for someone he loved.

Like the boys who were always there for me, I had to fight for Jack.

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