it's time to go.

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sometimes giving up is the strong thing
sometimes to run is the brave thing


I arrived at work a half hour earlier than normal.

One could imagine the pure shock of seeing Peggy Carter at work before me.

"Charlotte!" She yelled, rushing over to me.

Uh oh...

"Where were you last night?" She whisper-yelled at my desk.

"I was on the look out and the agents came in, but I started feeling really sick again. I had to leave, Peg. I am so sorry."

"Why didn't you come over after?"

"It's actually a good thing I didn't. Thompson stopped by."

"You abandoned me for that balloon head?!" She gasped.

"Of course not! He had shown up to see if I was alright. None of that matters anyway — did you find anything?"

"Actually, yes. It probably was best you didn't come over anyway... Colleen was killed."


"I don't know who it was. This guy... he had his throat cut out and when he fell out the window he disappeared. Needless to say, I need a new apartment."

"Well —"

"Ladies, I hate to ruin your slumber party, but we have jobs here!" Jack walked by.

"We'll chat later," I sighed.

She nodded and I walked down the aisle of desks to get us some coffee.

"Hey sweetheart, get me a coffee, will ya?" Krzeminski ordered and as I walked by, he slapped my butt. I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Sure thing!" I said a little too sweetly, my eye twitching slightly.

I angrily stalked over to get him a cup of scalding hot coffee. When I brought him the mug, I dumped it on his trousers. He shot up like a geyser.

"My bad," I said innocently.

Peggy and Daniel smirked, and I thought maybe Jack did too. I felt victorious, but I also felt violated and humiliated by what he said and did moments before.

Then Chief emerged from his office.

"That was a good one Rogers! Now clean it!" He ordered.

I sighed but obeyed. I went over to get a towel and I silently wiped it up.

I left the coffee rag on Krzeminski's desk and walked to my own. I glared at him when he came back.

Jack came up to my desk. "Back to the lab, Blondie."

I sighed, but as soon as I stood up I felt light-headed.

I felt sleepy, yet I couldn't slip into unconsciousness. My body suddenly went limp, but the only thing my head hit was Jack's chest.

I felt his arms slide under my knees. The pain was the only thing keeping me conscious. And it hurt so badly.

He carried me to the room where it all happened and didn't put me down until he was ordered to by one of the scientists. As soon as my head hit the table, I passed out.

I didn't know what time it was when my eyelids peeled open. There were two men in the room— one stood over me and the other was looking at files.

"What did you do to me?" I asked firmly.

"It was just a simple regular shot that you are having a bad reaction to."

"Don't lie to me."

"Miss Rogers, I suggest that you drop the matter now and go back to your office," he said, taking a needle out of my arm.

"Why did you take my blood again?"

"It's just to see if we can find a way to get it out of your system. You may go back now. Mostly everyone has gone home."

I scowled at the lab workers, but I left. I supposed I'd have to conduct my own investigation later.

When I got back to my desk, I saw Daniel, Jack, and Peggy. Jack looked up, making direct eye contact with me only to break it right away. "Hey, Blondie. I see you still haven't blown up."

"Yes, Thompson, I am alright." Despite my anger with what had just occurred, a small smile made its way to my face.

"Every time this happens, I worry that you'll die," Peggy admitted.

"I need to find out what they are up to. You are sure you all don't know anything?"

Everyone affirmed they were sure, and I certainly believed Peggy. Daniel and Jack were not as easy to believe.

Peggy eyed at me, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Charlotte, you seem... taller."

"Wear shorter heals, I don't like it when you are taller than me," Sousa chuckled.

"These are the same heels I always wear, Daniel."

I carefully studied the look he gave Jack after I said that. I abruptly excused Peggy and I to leave and bid the two a hasty goodbye.

"Are you alright?"

"I will be."

"I suppose there is no good time to tell you this but.. they have pictures." She whispered as we walked out of the building.

"Who has pictures... of what?"

"Me. Well, the blonde me."


"Fortunately, you cannot see my face in them. I tried to grab them but there was always something in my way. I know they haven't looked at them yet, so we can try again tomorrow."

"What's on the agenda tonight?

"We are going to find whoever stole Howard's inventions, as well as the maker of the Nitromene."

"I'll meet you in an hour."

agent rogers • j. thompson Where stories live. Discover now