Chapter 2

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America pov
I woke up early in the morning to get everything ready in the morning and to get myself ready it was 7:00 am I was just get finished changing into my suit and finishing cooking breakfast for the kids. until I heard a bang against my door. It was Texas in their ball form Who is trying to roll the way from Arizona. They were playing a game of tag in their ball form along with Florida, New Mexico, and Nevada.
America: are you ok Texas
Texas replied with I'm ok And continued playing his game ' I worry about these kids sometimes' and this is why they must be protected at all cost I was running a bit late I would look terrible if I am late to my own meeting at my capital.
Ame: I'll be going now Maine, Washington and D.C are in charge call me when it's an emergency. Do you guys know where fire extinguishers,
State: YUP
Ame: And Medical kits
State: down on the bottom floor and second-floor bathroom
Ame: all right good I'll be going now bye love you
State: love you too dad bye
I went out the door Into the car "oh god I hope nothing happens to them"

Time skip

I got to The parking lot I had 30 minutes to stare I entered the building with my documents the E.U, U.N and ASEAN are going to be there The meeting was kind of Secret. i saw my brothers there.  Australia Canada and New Zealand was hiding behind Canada away from Australia who was being weird. then I saw my parents my dads I waved at them.

France: mon garçon je ne t'ai pas vu depuis si longtemps (my boy I haven't seen you in so long)

I used Google Translate sorry to all the people that know French T<T

U.K: I and your dad miss you. you haven't visited us in a long while

I hugged them

Ame: missed you guys too

Canada: hey ame how you doing

Ame: hey maple syrup addict

canada: shut up

we both laughed at the comment god I missed him the meeting was about to start soon. I went to my seat

time skip

we were 30 to 40 minutes into the meeting the E.U, U.N, and ASEAN were flirting with one another it was pretty obvious but no one else seemed to notice except me and Japan he was trying to keep his fanboying side showing. Only a few people know about his other side like me and S.K to other people he's just a nerd but when it gets night he's a completely another person he goes to every bar he can go to he becomes a femboy. and cosplay anime characters he invites me to go drinking with him and to go shopping and watch anime. he became one of my best friends.

and then there was Russia the alcoholic especially when he drinks that much vodka the man has 15 other siblings I mean most of them are adopted.  we have been dating for about 5 months I really do like Ukraine's nice fellow and have a little crush on my brother Canada and so does Canada but they won't confess to one or the other scared that they might be rejected. I've been trying to get them together for years now I ever go over to their house me and their father has a secret agreement. as long as I bring Pepsi or vodka we're going to be good. this is the man who gave the company a hole Navy fucking crying out loud and became the sixth-largest. and Australia was all the way down to seven I and my brothers made fun of him the beaning bump down to 7th place by the soda company

 and Australia was all the way down to seven I and my brothers made fun of him the beaning bump down to 7th place by the soda company

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I was trying not to zone out until a man burst through the doors being chased by two guards.  the man had a gun how the fuck he find us this meeting was supposed to be confidential EVERYONE GET DOWN HE HAS A GUN I yelled we got down good thing I always have my gun on me I shot that man in the arm so he would let go of the gun. but not before he got too good shot's me right in the Torso. the guards managed to tackle him down before he can run away and hurt anyone else. my vision starting to get blurry and dark ah shit what am I supposed to tell the kids how I got shot in the Torso by a guy trying to kill us. before I can do anything else everything went black then nothing.


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