basic info

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the state has balls and human form so they can go undercover as basic looking human beings and go to places they also have names to go with the human form to not seem out of place. all humans can only see them as humans because how would you react if you saw a colorful thing walking down the Street.

this for my fun in chapters may not be consistent and there may be some grammar's mistakes but and remember I'm a real person too I have a life outside of this I still go to school. and I may only work on the chapters during the weekend like on Sunday or Saturday. and I do use Google Translate to other languages besides English I'm not fluent in every language so sorry for the mistakes blaming on Google Translate.

and there is some previous established relationship here and some of them former countries that are supposed to be "dead" are still alive but no longer in power like the Soviet Union he still alive but no longer in power.

and here are all the gender of the states there a link some were here

thank you to everyone that reads this it means a lot to me :) it make me really happy.

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