chapter 7

411 11 4

(technical difficulties with Chromebook came up So the late Easter special has to be put by a day back Sorry for the inconvenience but I have this chapter)

America POV

I was tired all I wanted to do was lay in bed and just stay there then I notice Louisiana following me upstairs.

Ame: yes Louisiana

Louisiana: I wanted to check up on you pa

Ame: I'm ok I'm your big strong dad

Louisiana: yes, I know but I'm worried about you were shot How can't I be worried about you

Ame: all I need to do is rest then I'm brand new ok

Louisiana: ok love you pa

Ame: love you too hun

I kiss her on her forehead "make sure that everyone is in bed for me ok" she nod in agreement and went downstairs.

time skip🕣✨

I woke up at 6:00 this morning Which was pretty rare for me since I usually wake up around 4:00 in the morning. But that was some of the best sleep I had had in ages then I realize something I left my car at the building fffuuuccckkk I groaned in annoyance. I got up and got ready for the day Some of the states were already up and ready. I went downstairs and started making breakfast for everyone. After I was done with that I went to the dining room to sit down with the states at the table And then I started eating. Then I heard a knock at the door which is very rare Luckily I was the only one that heard it so the states wouldn't panic I got up

South Carolina: Why are you getting up Papa

Ame: Oh I forgot to get something

South Carolina: oh ok

I was hoping it was someone like a mailman ora door to door sale men. I work suspecting the worst but when I open the door no one was there. I started looking around then I saw my car. there was a note on it I walked towards my car and pick up the note


you Forgot this at the building Mr. America

I hope the pill did wonders for you

by: axle


I chuckled a bit and went back inside

time skip🕣✨(yes another one)

third-person POV

it was a few days after the incident and it was the first meeting after the incident everyone was on edge after what happened Security was doubled and countries crowded around America. Trying to see if he was all right Because he was shot by that man In fact that meeting is about right now. America seems kind of nervous being crowded by so many different countries trying to see if he was okay no one ever really did that to him in his life. Other than his family and close friends. U.N Along with E.U, A.U, ASEN, F.D.I and NATO the American country seem kind of nervous to see them walking in.

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