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This story will not be continued because it's been rewritten I wrote this when I was younger and I read through it and realize how bad it was and how I need to get better so I rewrote it again and you can find it on my page. With longer chapters and a more fulfilled story with less potholes. Of course, that one is still being continued. But it is much more better than this one. If you haven't seen the title and I suggest you should probably read that one then this one.

The only reason why I keep it up is because of nostalgia and also so people are able to look back on it, and also for the views and history it has with me

And I still love reading every comment that is left on my stories

you guys can find me on AO3 I believe I posted my Ao3 on my conversations area if it's not there, I can always just comment it

for those of you that don't know it's is a fanfic site that has been around longer then Wattpad and it does not come with the app and website instead that you can just search up ao3 in your browser and you don't need an account or anything to read fanfiction and I think it's  should be something for you guys to know about. Also, do your own studying on how to use a03. It can be a little bit tricky to learn, but if you watch a few videos or ask someone who has been using it for quite a while now to learn how to use the tagging system and everything like that, and learn the etiquette on  Ao3. Ao3 is not a algorithm base site unlike Wattpad that shows you stories are similar to the ones that you have read. Ao3 well only show the most recent fanfics that has been updated or made so that way is it important to use the tagging system to find your specific type of fanfic you like and you're gonna see things that you're not gonna like on there as well, but don't be an asshole about it and just move on it's an archived base thing you can't do anything about it.

It's like a public library you're going to see book say you're not gonna really liked. But you're not gonna complain about it other people like it, you just pick out the books that you like because you're gonna read them and don't waste your time on reading the things that you don't like.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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