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chaos, chaos absolute FUCKING chaos I hate it I'm wondering when Dad's going to be home it's dark out. California caught Oregon and Nevada on fire because it's their fire season So we have to put them in the pool and they're soaking wet and might catch a cold. some of the original 13 are arguing about who is better and who should be in change. And I do say none of them should be in charge considering how childish act with each other And it doesn't help when main Washington and I are tied up hanging from the ceiling with duck tape over our mouths. then there are Hawaii and Alaska the two are throwing darts at pictures of Imperial Japan and the Russian empire. And almost hitting Wyoming in the process of it. Texas was having a horse race with Arizona and New Mexico. Florida was climbing on the walls like a possessed demon Alabama and Georgia are offending him off. and chicken broke out of his cage and flew off somewhere to who knows where we need a stronger cage. EVERYTHING IS OUT OF CONTROL HELP ME

America POV

the city from the sky looked so beautiful from high up the cold night air felt good on my skin. I took the little time I had in the air just to feel at ease Just to have my troubles too be Gone with the night fresh air. I felt alone it was nice for once in this life of mine to trust myself to feel this way I only ever really trusted but he change. the person he a terrible man he was kind but no longer here I sighed. But once a wise man said

"It is true, of course, that there is no way of knowing for sure whether or not you can trust someone, for the simple reason that circumstances change all of the time. You might know someone for several years, for instance, and trust him completely as your friend, but circumstances could change and he could become very hungry, and before you knew it you could be boiling in a soup pot because there is no way of knowing for sure."(Lemony Snicket)

we were over the forest now we were near the fields meaning we are close to home. hope the kids are ok now Hopefully they don't start a Revolution

Massachusett POV


Long live the revolution it fulls out war with the west and east states the central states are just sitting and relaxing. It's a full all war out here the living room is divided into two it's crazy We almost never get to do this type of stuff when that is around

Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Texas, and Wyoming are on the west.

Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Virginia, and I are on the east side


Wyoming was flying over to our side with one of dad military helmets trying to destroy our fortress. like we are going to fall that easily Florida caught him mid-air and threw him back to their base. " TAKE THAT HAHAHA " I laugh as I saw California pursuing try to catch him before he hit the ground. until we saw Arkansas running into the house shouting


that code which means... SHIT that dad is almost home now and we made a huge mess we're going to be in so much trouble for the next months. we picked up the pillows, blankets, and anything that we could pick up and put away quickly some states ran up to their rooms when we heard the door open. We quickly went on the big couch And we put something random on the TV 'shit main, Washington, and D.C' You're still up in the ceiling just act cool just don't look up just don't look up just don't look up just don't look up

California: h-hey dad how you doing

Ame: Hey Cali You're acting weird

California: weird haha no phttt-

Ame: Well has anyone seen D.C, Washington, or Maine

Massachusett: uhh-

Utah: HEY PA Want to try some of these cookies I made

Ame: sure I'm starving

Dad walked into the kitchen We all sighed a sigh of relief Utah stared at us with a 'you owe me one ' look Florida quickly ran up the wall getting them from the ceiling Try not to make a scene " you Better not tell Dad about this" they nod in agreement we untie them. Washington shouted in pain as we took off the duct tape I quickly covered his mouth with my hand

Ame: what was that was that Washington

Colorado: Oh you know how he can be with mosquitoes He's not used to it

Ame: Washington If the mosquitoes are bothering you that much you can go up into the bathroom and get the spray.

Washington: y-ya thanks dad

dad came back into the room with a chocolate chip cookie in his hand

ame: Oh there you guys are How did the kids behave

D.C: they behave amazingly h-haha

Ame: That's great to hear I'm going to go up to my room now and get some needed rest.

Dad went upstairs tiredly holding his side He looked hurt I was kind of worried I hope he is ok Louisiana followed him upstairs. Probably to check upon him.


how was it please tell me:,) just comment please... and thank you

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