charter 9

353 10 4

( I'm sorry that I have been going for a long while I had a lot of school stuff to do but it's summer now and I graduated hurray which also means 1 or 2 charter every week or so god let my suffering end:,] )

America POV

I prepared the food for everyone can eat tonight dinner is chicken with mash/baked potatoes, corn on the cob, and grilled vegetables there were vegan options for some of the other states. everyone ate peacefully with one another dinner was one of the few time that the state wouldn't have any conflicts with each other. So it was a peaceful time for everyone when everyone finished eating I asked UN, FBI, and NATO to Stay for a bit to talk with them about the situation in private. They came into the kitchen when I was washing the dishes with California I needed him out of the room now so I can talk with them.

America: Cali honey you can go to bed now

California: ok dad good night

America: good night

America: Oh yeah California Tomorrow we have training make sure you tell the others, especially new york you know how he is

California walked out of the kitchen and headed upstairs to go door to door telling everyone about tomorrow's training I chuckle a little hearing many of them groaning Hopefully they don't try to skip training aging oh right

America: UN, FBI, and NATO you know our situation right

they nodded their heads agreeing after I finished washing the dish. I dried my hands and lean against the kitchen counter. I sighed.

America: this W.G.C group is getting out of hand now first THEY TRY TO KILL ME and then try to follow us home they do have some nerves doing this.

I gripped onto the edge in anger and frustration their so god damn aggravating I wanted to kill them right there in the parking lot. All I wanted was for the problem to go away And for me to relax and not worry about this.

UN: I will tell the other Unions about this

FBI: NATO and I will use our connections to look deeper into the group

America: and all I can do is train the kids and hope for the best don't want them in a panic

America: All right everybody you can go back to your room we have an early morning tomorrow goodnight

UN, NATO, FBI: goodnight pa

I went to my study room to do some more paperwork that I had to be done by this Monday. It was already 2:00 a.m. I went all the way up to my room to see if I could get some shuteye I got 3 to 4 hours of sleep. That was some of the best I had this week I went downstairs and started making breakfast for everyone I made bacon and eggs with some toast. I set it all up in the dining room. I grabbed my phone and speakers and went to the stairwell I set down the speakers. And started playing some good old classic military alarm on full blast. I laughed as I heard the wave groans from every level I Grabbed my megaphone "COME DONW BREAKFAST IS READY"


I jumped out of bed as I knew that sound way too well I was in the military for a time back in my younger years. I groan in annoyance all I wanted was to sleep on my day off fuck my life. I stretched and started going out the door Florida and Texas were sliding down the stairs for a competition to see who could slide down the fastest. California was recording them and their stupidity. Indiana, Mississippi, and Washington chatted as they walk down the stairs. Washington and almost falling if Mississippi didn't catch them. I wave at UN and FBI and I  walked downstairs I went to the dining room and took a seat it was Lively as ever. It looks like a lot of the Territories and states were trying to kill each other again. Not much changed in the last few years when I last came home for a visit that was-  wait when was the last time I was home or even visited no wonder dad sounded angry at me fuck


I took a seat nearby dad's chair I was looking around the room the west and east coasts were arguing with each other. Nato looked like he had a sudden realization like he fucked up or something. Maybe he had the realization that he hasn't come to visit in 8 years I try to visit every few months. But he only sends a gift every Christmas for him not being here dad now has 3 new top-of-the-line army knives 2, flat screen tv, and VR headsets for the state and territories.

(I will end it here, for now, this is to overdo hope you guys like it )


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