chapter 5

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Russia: how did the surgery go I bought you flowers

Ame: thank you Russ And the surgery went Well

Russ: great to hear

Ame: I will be here for about a day

Janpan: that great to hear Amerika

South: yep

unknow voice: Ummm excuse me

We went to see where the voice was coming from it was a nurse standing by the doorway

Nurse: visitation hours are over

south: aww we just got here

nurse: yes I know but hours are over all of you must leave

everyone: good bye Amerika/Ame/America

Ame: bye everyone

few a hours later

I was tried as fuck I should tell the states that I will be gone for a day it was getting dark outside then I saw something shadowy figure it had animalistic characteristics on its face but it had a normal human body it went through the window they had a mask on of an animal it looked like an axolotl?

Ame: Aahh what the fuck I'm am like on the fourth floor

Unknow: ssshhhhh

Ame: should I listen to you now I can call security on you

Unknow: United States of America English I'm am here to help you to get to your kids

Ame: how the hell do you know about them

Unknow: well Mr.America I know many things about you please don't feel scared I'm not here to harm you

Ame: am not scared And what do you want with me

Unknown: I'm here to help you get out early

What other choice do I have I can't leave them for a long time

Unknow: So what's your choice, Mr. America

Ame: yes you can help me

Unknow: I can forge the paperwork here take this

they handed me a yellow pill with a glass of water

Ame: What the hell is this

Unknown: it's supposed to help you get stronger faster and heal you faster

Ame: cool

I took the pill

Ame: ok done

Unknow: here are new clothes

Ame: thank you

a few minutes later

Ame: done

Unknow: great let go

Ame: how do we leave Their nurses and doctors everywhere

Unknow: the window

Ame: what

Unknow: we jump where on the fourth story floor we should survive And don't you have a humongous bald eagle that is 5 feet tall and can call any time

Ame: oh right chicken

third-person POV

Chicken was the American country giant bald eagle that he loved dearly along with the other pets that he owned like his horse, dog, wolves, cats, farm animals, bear, alligators, and crocodiles it was a struggle at first to feed so many mouths. But after getting more land over time he started to grow crops and orchards it was so much easier feeding all those mouths.

The two opened the window the American country whistled there was a moment of silence then a squaw could be Heard from the South far distance. The American smiled a sigh of relief

Ame: over here chicken over here

The bird squaw in joy after noticing there owner and landing on the window ledge

Ame: chicken it's great to see you but you have to keep quiet ok

The bird nodded its head in happiness nudging its head to its owner's chest

Ame: Want to go on a ride big baby boy wanna go

chicken was moving up and down wanting to go home the American quickly got on the Giants Bird's back getting ready to take off. Before he stopped dead in his tracks And turn to look at the being with the mask.

Ame: what your name

unknow: what?

Ame: your name

unknow: oh it's Whatever you like to know me by Mr. America

Ame: I'm going to call you Axel short for axolotl

Axel: Alright you should be getting to your kids now You need to hurry It's getting dark

Ame: yes your right thank you

Axel: your welcome sir

the American quickly flew off in the air laughing in the night sky

America POV

I  haven't had this much fun in the past few months it was always paperwork taking care of the kids and the animals. Don't get me wrong I love my kids and animals but It can get stressful sometimes to take care of them 24/7 sometimes I can't with them there is hardly any time for me to relax and sleep.  I mean I did choose to adopt most of them and I took a vow to never leave them behind and never leave them alone ever again even after death.

( "Anyone who thinks the pen is mightier than the sword has not been stabbed with both".)

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