chapter 4

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America pov

as I was trying to think of an excuse I saw Japan first they burst right through the door with so much force I thought he might break the door off. and South Korea and Russia walking in right after.


France: Jesus fucking Christ


Japan: We Came as soon as we could to see you

Russia: ya this fucker was driving so fast going through the road we almost got into 4 car accidents

as he said in his Russian accent Russ walked over and kissed me on the cheek I smiled then I noticed my brother and father. were glaring at him they look like they wanted to kill him I remembered when they found out I was dating him

flashback time

3rd person POV

at the dinner table when America came to visit

Ame: guys I have something to tell you

UK: yeah I'm America what is it

ame: I'm dating someone

France: all right sweetie fine with anyone you date... but hurt my baby's heart I will have no choice but to put their head right through a guillotine myself

right after the French country said that he stabbed his food with a knife and with a smile

ame: um well... I'm dating Russia


Canada spit out his drink coughing

both New Zealand and Australia were choking on their food now

well the French country sat there eating their food peacefully

France: well well I always felt the sexual tension between the two of you

new Zealand: how long

Ame: about 2 months


Canada: I need my ax where is it

Australia: shed back left corner

Canada: thank you

Ame: what do you think you doing with the ax

Canada: I'm going to shed Russian blood

As he said with a Sinister grin and with that being said He bolted tours the back door leading to the backyard into the shed. He quickly grabbed the ax and started running to the car with the entire family trailing behind.

ame: CANADA STOP IT Are you really going to ruin my relationship with the one guy I really Actually like

Canada: YEAH

AME: you bitch

the American country Jumped on to him shoving to the ground and pinning him to the driveway the American country manage to knock the weapon out of the Canadian the two were in a brawl. Australia was filming the entire thing So was New Zealand.

France: STOP IT at this instant idiots

ame & Canada: Sorry père

France: America are you sure you are like this boy

ame: yes père

France: then that's fine with me

France dust off the two countries

France: and Canada Don't interfere with your brother's love life ok

Canada: but père-

France: no buts

Canada: fffiiiiiinnnnneeeee

UK: let's get the two of you cleaned up ok

END of flashback time

back to America pov

Russia: I'm glad you're doing great


lol, I'm back Tell me how you like this chapter Please really want feedback :]

By: author

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