over the course of a century

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For a while in the beginning, they walked and walked and walked through the forest. One day, they stopped to rest and somehow never packed up to leave. Maybe it was the practicality of it all — the fertile soil and the river just over the hill. Maybe it was how much she admired that one particular patch of white flowers. But they stayed, and a century later, there they still are.

In the beginning, he used his power sparingly. He stopped fights after the first strike. But one day, he started using his power for more — or rather, less — stopping conflicts before they even happened. Except, would they have ever happened? Maybe it was the ease of it all; after all, what is his power if never used? Or, maybe his greatest fear is losing the feeling of being safe.

In the beginning, she was a little lost. She wasn't sure of her place in the world, both literally and spiritually. Eventually, though, there came a day when she didn't feel so lost. Maybe she was just too busy that day to even have that feeling. Or, maybe what they have is good enough and that she doesn't need to feel lost because she is with him.

In the beginning, there was Arishem, but they don't have faith in him anymore.

It didn't take long for their followers to realize that they never aged, that magic spilled from her palms, and that gold dripped from his eyes. Their followers would set a place at the head of the table for the two of them to sit, and in return, their followers would sleep soundly at night without a fear to spoil their dreams.

"It's like our garden," he said one day. "Our followers can grow old, and we can pretend to grow old with them," and he smiled with her in his arms.

They live in a place — a garden — of their own creation, out of time and out of place. It is just the two of them, for better or for worse.

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