the day before

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"I don't understand." Druig stands before Ajak, his hands gripped tightly in front of his waist. He speaks to her in the Domo as the statue of Arishem looks over them. "Why would He send me here with this power if I'm not allowed to use it?"

"There will be a time and place for your power," Ajak responds. "Arishem has a purpose for you, just as he has a purpose for me and for the rest of the Eternals."

"I was under the impression that our purpose is to create peace on this planet."

"Our purpose is to eliminate the Deviant population so that humans may thrive, but that does not mean we are gods. We must let humans take the natural course of their evolution, and that may involve making some mistakes along the way. I am sure that you and I will someday make mistakes of our own, too."

She approaches him and carefully lays a hand on his shoulder. "Do not let this discourage your faith, Druig. This may be the only time you witness such aggression amongst humans."

Ajak is wise, but Druig finds this statement completely unfounded. With nothing short of an eternity laying ahead of them, he is certain that this is only the beginning.

somewhere in time {Druig}Where stories live. Discover now