author's note

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hi! if you've made it this far, then you are officially on my list of favorite people on this planet!

thank you, thank you, thank you for reading my story. i quite literally have not stopped thinking about this movie since the day it came out, and i wanted to write something that emulated all my favorite things about it – one of those being all the themes surrounding faith and purpose. another thing being a relationship between two people that is clearly intimate but not outwardly romantic, and a relationship that's portrayed through select memories throughout time.

and what can i say, i also just wanted to contribute to the pool of fics where druig is just a soft, loving boy deep deep down (which i think is most true to the mcu representation of him!).

anyways, i appreciate the reads!! and if you have a minute, let me know what you thought about the story! at any rate, i can't wait to see the eternals again in the mcu. :)

p.s. if you're looking for some music recommendations, this story was hugely inspired by the three songs below (and they are so, so good):

the garden, by the tragic thrills

the graveyard near the house, by the airborne toxic event

verse 3, by matthew wright

somewhere in time {Druig}Where stories live. Discover now