the aftermath

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Isis stands at the edge of the cliff, watching a sunset that this planet was never meant to see. But, the sun will rise again tomorrow and all the while, the people of this planet will know nothing of their saviors, just as it's been since the dawn of their civilization.

The last few days have been nothing short of chaos, so the world feels especially calm to Isis now. The ocean seemed so rough and unpredictable before, and now it just feels so pleasantly tranquil. The tremors in the earth gave way to a stillness which she didn't realize how much she longed for until now. And for once, she feels as if she has all the answers to all of her many questions.

She hears footsteps behind her, but she doesn't need to turn around to know who it is.

"Will you sit here with me?" she asks.

She listens as the footsteps approach closer and closer until Druig appears by her side. He stands tall and strong with his hands clasped before his waist; his dress moves with the wind. He turns his head to face her, and she watches as a smile appears on his face.

"There's nothing else I'd rather do," he replies. They take a seat together and their legs dangle off the edge of the cliffside.

As usual, they are content to sit in silence for some time. Finally, though, she asks him: "What was it like? To feel Tiamut in your mind?"

"I don't know if I can explain it," he says. "It's... It's as if Tiamut could only communicate with dreams."

"What do you mean by that?"

"When Tiamut joined the unimind, it suddenly felt like I was in a dream. And in this dream, I was observing a planet from afar. I mean, I knew this planet was supposed to be Earth, but it was also so different than how I'm used to seeing it. This Earth was so... peaceful." Druig pauses as they both contemplate this dream.

"I think all this time Tiamut was able to observe everything happening on Earth," he continues. "And despite all the war, violence, and greed, it still saw Earth as a place full of compassion, perseverance, and love. That's the Earth I saw in its dream. I think Tiamut decided that the people of this planet — that we — are worth saving, and that's why it was willing to sacrifice itself."

"Mmm," Isis hums, trying to wrap her mind around the fact that even Celestials have dreams.

"And do you agree with Tiamut? That Earth is worth saving?" she asks.

"I... I think I do," he answers.

They sit in silence a bit longer.

After some time, he says: "I'm sorry."

"What for?"

"I feel like I trapped you with me. In the garden," he admits. "And I was too distracted during all that time to give you anything meaningful."

"You know, Druig, being there was my choice as much as it was yours," she says. "Besides, at that point you had already convinced me to question my faith in Arishem. And that may be the greatest gift anyone could ever give me."

"Hm," he sighs, and she can tell that there is still more he wants to say.

"What else is on your mind?"

He takes a shaky breath and asks, "Do you think it was wrong? For me to keep those people in the garden? You... You aren't the only one that I feel like I trapped there with me. And I know the other Eternals judge me for it."

He picks up a handful of rocks in one hand and uses the other to throw them one-by-one off the cliffside. Before she can answer, he continues his train of thought:

somewhere in time {Druig}Where stories live. Discover now