back in time, just before leaving babylon

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"Sorry, am I interrupting something?" Isis says as she stumbles into the room to find Ajak and Ikaris standing under the statue of Arishem who watches over, as He always does.

"You may go, Ikaris," Ajak says quietly to him.

Isis catches a strange look of existential consternation on Ikaris' face as he promptly exits. Her eyes linger to watch him disappear down the dark tunnels of the Domo.

"Isis." Ajak takes her attention. "How can I help you?"

"I had a question. I hope it's okay for me to ask it."

"Of course, my child. What is it?" Ajak looks with her undivided attention, as if Isis is the only thing to exist in this moment.

"I wonder... What will happen once we've completed our mission on Earth? Do we just leave and continue some other mission on some other planet?"

"What a curious question," Ajak says. "What begs you to ask it?"

"I... I'm not sure." She knows that she longs for something more, but she doesn't know what that something more could be. Ajak recognizes it though — that thing she wants. It's freedom.

"Please, have a seat with me." Ajak gestures to the chairs located conveniently behind them, like the universe had placed them there in anticipation for their conversation.

"I have always had this wish for you — for all of you," Ajak continues as they take a seat. "I see you dedicate everything that you have to our mission, and as your leader, it makes me so proud to see the power behind your faith. But as your mother, I also know that you are more than just a soldier. I see that you have your own passions and desires and dreams. So, my wish is that you will get the time and the freedom to seek all of those things not for Arishem, but for yourself."

Isis looks at Ajak and at the wisdom in her eyes — seeing it gives her faith that someday Ajak's wish will actually come true someday.

And as if reading Isis' mind, Ajak adds: "And if that wish were to come true, then I will be so excited to hear about what you will have done with that time and what you will have done for yourself." Ajak's finger points to Isis' heart.

Isis marvels endlessly at just the idea of it, but little does she know that someday she will be trapped in a garden with all the time in the world and no purpose at all.

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