the end, or a new beginning

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Isis stands at the kitchen window of what was once Ajak's home. She looks out and admires the contrast between the stillness of the Domo hovering in the sky and the waves of movement rippling through the grass below.


She breaks out of her trance and turns around. "Thena. You startled me."

Thena moves to join Isis at the window. "I admire this mission of yours, to set free the other Eternals out there," she comments. She looks at Isis, but Isis continues to stare out the window.

"I think it's what Ajak would have wanted," Isis replies.

"It is more than that," Thena counters. "You created a worthy purpose for yourself, and I look forward to serving that purpose alongside you."

Finally, Isis peels her gaze away from the window and looks to Thena. "Thank you," she says.

Thena pauses for a moment. "I actually wanted to say thank you for giving us your protection during the emergence."

"Of course. If anything, it was nec — "

Thena raises her hand. "Please, allow me to finish. I also wanted to thank you for offering your protection to Druig in his time of need. He could have been left alone in that forest, but you chose to stay with him. And when the time was right, you knew you had to let him go to complete his healing on his own. You have wisdom, Isis."

Isis blushes. It's a compliment that means so much more coming from Thena.

"Druig and I are alike in many ways," Thena continues. "We were broken for a time, and it would have been easy to leave us behind. I am grateful we both had someone to look after us."

Isis looks into Thena's gray eyes to find sadness mingling with strength.

"Gilgamesh would have been proud of you," Thena says quietly but with conviction.

Isis' heart feels very heavy. She reaches out to place her hand over Thena's as it rests on the countertop. "He would be proud of you, too," she whispers.

They both look over their shoulders when Phastos pops his head into the kitchen. "Come on — it's time for you two to go," he announces.

The three of them wade through the fields of grass to meet Druig where he stands before the Domo. Isis looks to Phastos, reluctant to say goodbye.

"Until next time?" she asks.

"Until next time," Phastos nods, and they share a warm embrace.

Phastos looks at Druig next. "I know you're not a hugger, so..." He offers Druig a hand.

Druig takes it, but he doesn't hesitate to pull Phastos in for a hug anyway.

"Oh!" Phastos says in surprise, but he quickly loosens up to accept the gesture. Eventually, he pulls away and takes a step back to watch them depart.

Thena's already well on her way to the Domo, but Isis and Druig take their time as they walk, hands intertwined.

"So, do you think we'll get tired of each other while we're out there?" he asks.



"Of course not. You're my person," she says, touching his necklace.

He can't help but smile as he looks down at their footsteps, so perfectly in sync.

He asks her another question: "What do you think we'll find out there?"

"Could be anything," she answers with wonder.

"The Celestials — they'll come for us eventually."

"The Celestials may think they're the gods of the universe, but you and me..." She stops in her tracks, so he stops too. She puts her palm on his chest and as her fingertips glow with cosmic light, he feels an extraordinary warmth fill his heart. "We are eternal."

somewhere in time {Druig}Where stories live. Discover now