Chapter 18: Old and New Memories

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Chapter 18: Old and New Memories

WARNING: This chapter contains suicidal content

It's been two weeks since Dylan and I had gone out on our date to the beach. Nothing has really changed at school except for the fact that we are finally going on Christmas break with six more days until it actually is Christmas and everyone gets a boatload of Christmas gifts and yummy food for dinner and breakfast. And the fact that both Ms. Valentine and Mr. Hamliton both have not been at school for the past two weeks and rumour has it that they eloped and ran away to Mexico. Plausible, but I seriously doubt it. Hamliton would never run away just because the beginning of his sex tape was released allowing the whole school to get a first look at it. And he's probably too poor to travel all the way down there. I mean this is Seattle for crying out loud, Canada is way closer than Mexico is.

"Oh my gosh, Brooke! You will not believe what I just heard!" Candy exclaimed excitedly gripping onto my arm.

"What did you hear today, Candy?" I asked, not really all that pumped to hear the news Candy had to share with me.

In the past two weeks I've been friends with Candy, I learned that she is a total gossip addict. I mean she absolutely has to get gossip hourly, otherwise she goes into a weird withdrawal phase. I kid you not, she literally twitches and starts mumbling about crazy things like her uncle dancing on tables with his shirt off and his flab swinging everywhere. Not something you want to see Candy go through.

"Okay so I heard that Michelle- you know the one in our math class?- well she got preggo with her best friend Jen's boyfriend! And so Jen got so pissed. So I heard through Taylor who got it through Loraine who got it through her cousin who got it through a best friend who said she got it straight from Michelle's sister who said that Michelle was going to abort the baby and keep it a secret, but when she was telling her mom she didn't know that Jen was visiting and Jen heard and then she started crying and then a fight broke out at her house! I wish I could have been there to see it! I would pay major money to see that go down! Anyways Veronica told me that her boyfriend, Sam, told her that his sister who is best friends with Jen's first cousin was there when the fight happened and Michelle punched Jen so hard that her nose broke! And then Veronica said that Sam said that his sister said that Jen's first cousin said that Jen punched Michelle in the stomach and she had a miscarriage right there. So I guess that kind of helped her out because Renae said that Kyla said that Janet said that-"

"Okay, I think I've heard enough for today. Thanks Candy, for all of this info, but I think everything that you just said kicked out everything I've ever learned in school so I've got to go to the House of Coffee to study for the Biology test I have the day we come back from break because I cannot flunk this test. If I do then my 3.8 GPA will go down and we already know that the B+ in Biology is totally bringing my GPA down. What kind of stupid teacher actually gives their students a test the day they get back from Christmas break? They obviously don't want the odds to be in our favor. So see you tomorrow when you and the girls come over to hang out. And please try to stay out of Jen and Michelle's business please."

Candy let out a short laugh before pausing and looking at me, "Oh, you were serious... Please Brooke, we both know that that is impossible for me to do. You've seen the symptoms I suffer when I don't get my daily dose of gossip."

"Whatever. At least try not to threaten to punch Ariel when she doesn't give you the information that you want."

"She knew that I needed that information and she was purposely withholding it from me! She deserved everything that I threatened her with," Candy grumbled.

"She actually didn't know what was going on with Troy and Macy's break up! She was just an innocent bystander!"

"It was just one time, no need to make a big fuss out of such a little thing."

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