CHAPTER 1: Rachel Berry

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Rachel Berry is 22 years old and lives in New York City with her best friend since high school, Kurt Hummel. The two of them both have dreams of being on broadway, and even though Kurt is still trying his hardest to be the next broadway star, Rachel seems to have it set.

R: Kurt! Kurt! I did it! I did it! I'm going to be Fanny Brice in Funny Girl! It's happening Kurt, it's happening. I can't believe it!

K: Rachel, I'm so proud of you! I'm still looking, but I'm hoping to play Hedwig, you know I always wanted to be in Hedwig And The Angry Inch. But, this is your role, me and you both know that you were born to play this part. I'm just really happy for you!

R: You know I wouldn't be here without you, Kurt, I wish that Jesse was here to see me, but he decided to stay in Akron and teach Vocal Adrenaline, which I couldn't be more happy for him. I want to buy him a ticket for my show. I just hope that he still loves me.

K: Hey, you two fell in love because of Vocal Adrenaline. You and Jesse were the power house for Vocal Adrenaline and I'm glad that he decided to lead you on your destiny to become Fanny Brice. After all, one of you had to go on broadway. Am I right?

R: You're right.

K: Good, now we don't want you to be late for your rehearsal, so let's get going.

R: Yes, I almost forgot, let's go ahead and get going if we want to be there on time.

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