the pretty girl with the glasses

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Lena's pov;

She's beautiful. A kind of beauty i've never seen in a person. And she's genuine, smart. Me and Kara have been friends for maybe two weeks now. I decided to schedule lunch with her today at 1, like we do everyday. But, some part of me was nervous. Whenever Kara rambles about absolutely nothing my heart starts to flutter in a crazy way. And when she asks me a question, I get completely lost in her eyes and my voice gets caught in my throat.

It's not like i've never caught feelings for a girl. But she's different. Anyway, i've been trying to convince myself to get over her, because she has a boyfriend. But, the heart wants what the heart wants. And I know she's bisexual, and she knows im a lesbian because it just happened to come up. We exchanged blushes when we both figured it out, but I just assumed that Kara blushed because the situation was a bit awkward.

It came time for me and Kara to have lunch and my palms got sweaty. She walked into my office with Noonan's, (our personal favorite), and I smiled. "Hey Lena. How was your day today?" She asked me and there goes me getting lost in her eyes. I looked down and looked back up at anything but her. "It was good, but boring. What about yours?" I asked. "It was good, Me and Mike sorted things out. But- I have something to tell you. And I honestly, truly don't want this to change anything- and I mean we haven't known each other for that long and- I just wanted to tell you because I trust you and you're my closest friend- and i'm rambling. I'm sorry." Kara finally finished and I laughed. "It's okay Kara. But, what was it you had to tell me?" I asked. She started to take her glasses off and she pulled her hair down. "I just feel it's time to tell you- I'm..." She paused and I finished her sentence, "Supergirl. You- I'm bestfriends with supergirl?" I replied in shock. That was the absolute last thing I expected.

"Yeah- yes, yes." She looked down as if she was ashamed. I got up from my desk and walked towards her. "Kara it's okay. I didn't expect you to trust me this early into our friendship but- I greatly appreciate you telling me this. I'm not upset or mad at you or anything. You didn't do anything wrong." I said. "I wish Mike was this assertive. He doesn't solve any problems- all he does is walk away. You're the opposite." She said and my breath hitched, as we were closer than before. I pulled back to avoid any impulses and Kara went on, "I think it's a good time to tell you that Mikes real name is Mon-El and he's from a planet called Daxam. They are all bullshit and snobs." She finished and I laughed. "You're too good for him. You deserve better." I said. I wanted to give her the world, and spoil her, and give her the best mind blowing orgasms. Even if I wasn't inlove with her, I felt strongly about her and it hurts to see her treated like this.

"You're staring." She broke me out of my thoughts. I snapped out of my trance, flinching. "Yeah- right sorry, i'm sorry. We should get to eating, shouldn't we?" I said and Kara nodded. We sat down on the couch and Kara opened the food, handing me my salad. "So. What have you been doing?" I began, "Well..." Kara paused and I squinted. "I've been thinking. A lot, and I think it's best if I break up with Mon- El. But I don't know, and I don't think I want to. I mean I love him, yeah. But theres always conflict and it ruins my days. Anyway, i'll definitely need some more thinking time in that. Man, do I hate men. I should honestly just be a lesbian like you." Kara laughed and so did I.

"You know, no matter what choice you make with anything, or anything you tell me, i'll always be here as your bestfriend. No matter what." I said and Kara smiled sincerely. "Yes, and that is why I love you! I appreciate you for everything, truly." She said and then took a bite of her burger. My heart burned at the 'i love you.' I've never had someone who cared so much about me, besides my mom, in my entire life. And that there is what makes everything click, what makes me fall harder for her everytime i'm with her. "What about you? Any girlfriends?" She asked and I shook my head, "No. And no new friends either. You're all i've got, quite frankly all I need." Kara smiled and put her hand on mine. My face started to heat up. "I'm hungry, let's get to eating." I said. "You have a salad. I just- I couldn't have chosen a weirder person to be my bestfriend." Kara laughed. "Hey! You're the one who's supergirl and acts like a nervous 10 year old on the outside." I replied giggling. "Well... actually that's true. But, in my defense, it's only if I don't know you!" She said.

Lunch was full of talks and laughs. Having lunch with Kara is the highlight of my days. I know she couldn't say the same but it's whatever. I know we could never end up together, my heart will still continue to fall for her anyway. I'll be fine, as long as i've got her i'm okay.

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