oh my god

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Kara's pov;

Lena is sick. I hate seeing her like this, it's terrifying. "Lee, do you need anything else before you lay down?" I asked. "Kara i'm not a baby." Lena laughed, but i felt a pang of disappointment. "I'm sorry, am I being to clingy? I'm just worried about you." I said, defeated. "No! No, Kara I was trying to make a joke i'm sorry. I know you're worried. If anything, supergirl can take care of me." She smiled, and so did I. I helped her onto the couch and made circles around her back to make her feel better. Then my phone rang. "I'm going to take this, I will be right back." I said leaving the couch.

Alex; Kara, I need you in for a mission, it's nothing major but we'd like to have you.

Kara; That's not going to happen, sorry not sorry. Lena is sick, i'm not leaving her.

Alex; Oh! I'm sorry to hear about that, what does she have?

Kara; Strep throat, and she's nauseous, but she's a badass so i take it she'll be fine in a few hours.

Alex; Okay! Well I will check back later to she how she's doing, tell her i hope she feels better. Bye.

Kara; Bye!

I walked back over to the couch. "Alex wishes you well." I said. "That's nice. I would say thank you but she's not on the phone anymore." Lena chuckled. "Want to watch greys anatomy, while you fall asleep?" I suggested. "Yes, please. We haven't watched it in a while and I want to start on season 8."

After a while Lena fell asleep and I tucked her in my arms.

Whenever I woke up, Lena was somehow sitting in my lap. I immediately became flustered as i was aware of how horny i had become. Unknowingly, I moaned Lena's name. "Kara?" Lena asked. "Y-yes?" I answered. She turned around to see what was happening and her eyes went wide. "Oh. Kara. You want some assistance?" Lena asked in a seductive voice. "No. Lena you're sick it's okay." I replied panting. "I'm feeling much better now." Lena said taking off my shirt. "Unless you want me to leave you here all hot and bothered?" Lena teased me. "N- No! Please Lena. Fuck me all over, please!" I begged. "As you wish." Lena responded. She layed me down on the couch and began to take my bra off.

She took my breasts and massaged them and I became even more wet. "Lee- Lena. I need you." I urged her. Lena moved her way down to my pussy. She pulled my pants and underwear down and began to thrust into me. "My Rao, Lena!!" I screamed. Lena smirked, loving how much control she was in. She took out her fingers and inserted her tounge. "Lena! Lena! I'm gonna cum!" I yelled. I squirted all over Lena and she licked her fingers.

After I calmed down, I asked Lena, "Do you want a turn?" She replied, "No, Kara we have the New Years party tomorrow, we should get our outfits together and go to bed." I responded by using my superspeed to push her against the wall. "I. make. the rules." I told her. "Okay daddy." She responded. I used my superspeed to take us to the bedroom. "I'm getting the handcuffs, since you thought that you could make the rules." I told her. She nodded lustfully. I put the hand cuffs on both her legs and cuffed them to the bed. "Daddy?" Lena asked. "Yes Lena?" I responded. "What are you going to do to me?" She asked again. "I'm going to fuck you until you cum." I smirked. She moaned quietly.

I brought my hands to her breasts, and roamed my hands around her body. Before I started pleasuring her, I gave her a peck on the lips. "Kara. Please. Oh god please fuck me." Lena begged. I roamed down to her center and entered one finger. I thrusted in and out slowly, then I added two fingers and thrusted at a quicker speed. "Kara! Faster Kara!" Lena yelped. I used my superspeed to thrust as fast as a vibrator. "Oh god Kara! Im going to cum! Please Kara." She begged again. I did one final thrust and she came.  I smirked at how undone she had became.

"God, Kara I knew you'd always been good at this but, that was the best sex we ever had. And you used your superspeed, jesus, thinking about it im gonna cum all over again." Lena said, trying to catch her breath. I blushed as she went on about my new antics.

"So! You should be feeling much, much better now." I implied, going to lay beside Lena. "Yes. Infact, I think I will be back in the office tomorrow." Lena said, but I shook my head. "Or... we could stay in tomorrow and spend the day together?" I suggested. "I think that's- a great idea." Lena replied laying her head down on my neck.

I smiled is disbelief of how lucky I was. "I love you until the end of time Lena Kieran Luthor."

i am soooo so sorry about not updating for at least 2 months. i was struggling with some things but im back now!!!!

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