after math

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Adelaide slept for 18 hours straight. Which in hide sight isn't too crazy but Adelaide had insomnia. Like to the point where she wouldn't sleep for days and eventually would pass out from exhaustion. It was scary seeing her like that.

I remember seeing her pass out for the first time. Adelaide and I were still in middle school, and shared most of our classes. We were, like in gym class or some shit and she just fell, hit her head super fucking hard. The ambulance had to come and shit, it was pretty full on. Addy was prescribed like strong ass sleeping pills, she didn't take them though, said it fucked with her brain.

I left Adelaide at Fez's house after the drug started to wear off, that was my second mistake of the night.

Adelaide was awoken by the sun shining in her eyes, or maybe it was the loud crash followed by the word "shit" being yelled in a voice that sounded awfully similar to Ashtrays.

Adelaide sat up slowing trying to take in her surroundings. She first came to the conclusion that she was in Fezco's bedroom. Secondly she started to panic, because well, she didn't know how long she had been here for.

Fuck my parents are gonna kill me, She thought.

"Fez?" She tried to yell but realised her voice was extremely scratchy from not using it properly for a while. Clearing her throat she tried again,


A couple seconds later Fez pushed the door open and looked around the room noticing Adelaide what in fact, awake. He looked incredibly relieved she was, well, alive.

Fez wouldn't admit it but he had never been that worried about a person in his life. 

Well besides his grandma, but that was different.

Fez stayed up the entire time she was drugged up, making sure she was comfortable and checking her pulse regularly so she didn't die on him. The drug fucked her up pretty bad.

Fez knew she wouldn't want to talk about what happened, especially to Rue. Who was god knows where by now. He kind of felt bad for Adelaide who got pulled into this shit PLUS her best friend ended up leaving her alone in the end.

"How you doin' Ad?" Fez said sitting on the bed beside her.

Adelaide kept her eyes to the ground to avoid Fez seeing her cry. Yeah she had cried in front of him before.

There was one time when Adelaide was 12 and her and Rue thought it would be a good idea if they got a fish. Long story short that fish lasted a grand total of 4 days before Ad woke up and noticed it was dead. They hadn't even decided a name. Fezco held the girl as she mourned the death of her beloved fish, then watched her and Rue happily run around 10 minutes later like it didn't happen.

Adelaide slowly removed her gaze that was once directed on a particular stain decorating the carpet and locked them onto Fez's own blue ones. 

She was crying.

Fezco didn't grow up with much of a mother figure, sure he had his grandma but he was lucky if she told him she loved him once a year. So comforting people wasn't his specialty. Adelaide was different though, she made it pretty easy.

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