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"Win, come on! For me? Please?"

I rolled my eyes. Sometimes I think it's my fault that Gulf has become like this. Maybe I spoiled him too much?

"No," I replied.

"Metawin!" he pouted his lips, trying to look cute and innocent. "Come on, just one picture!"

I frowned when I finally faced him properly. For the past nights—months, actually—I wasn't able to sleep because he bugged me to create an Instagram account. 'How else am I supposed to tag your ass?! My followers don't think that we're really friends, you know?' was his reason.

As if me appearing in his stories isn't enough. He wanted me to create an account just so I could re-story his IG stories. That was the sole purpose of it. And when I didn't budge, he now wanted me to take a proper picture with him.

"We've been friends for like... years... and I'm just realizing now that we don't have a proper picture ever since we were ten!" he added.

I removed my AirPods and stood up from my chair. We were at Starbucks near our university to chill because our class doesn't start until 10 am. It is now only 9:34. I like to be punctual in a lot of things and Gulf has kind of adopted it throughout the years. We've been at this coffee shop for almost an hour now.

"Let's just go," I said as I got my brown leather shoulder bag.

He pouted once again and sighed, putting his phone back in his right pocket. I smirked mentally as I watched how defeated he looked. He glared at me as if he knew what was on my mind. "This is not over, Metawin Opas-iamkajorn. I'm going to get that picture with you!"

It was a five-minute walk before we finally got back to our classroom. Some of our classmates were already there, reviewing for our long quiz later. Gulf and I were done reviewing since last night. My mind was already going to explode if I try to review it again now.

"We should go grocery shopping tomorrow," Gulf suddenly said.

"Why not later?"

"I want to sleep as soon as we get home later."

I only nodded at him. Gulf and I eat a lot. And I mean... a lot. When we first moved in together during our first year of college, our one-week worth of groceries only lasted for three days. But we realized that lifestyle was kind of unhealthy so, over the years, we learned to discipline ourselves around food.

We only allow ourselves to feast on so much food when it's around our midterms or final exams.

I checked my Rolex watch for the time. I still have fifteen minutes before our professor gets here if she's not late. I stood up and opened my bag to get some tissue. I looked at Gulf who was now busy with his phone. "Toilet."

Gulf nodded without looking at me. I went out of the room.

Because the bell hasn't rung yet, there were a lot of students loitering in the hallway. Some were studying, some were chatting, while some looked like they were going to swallow each other's face out. I frowned. Our school isn't exactly against public display of affection but... damn these people. At least have some respect and get a fucking room. Or somewhere else where they can't be seen!

Our classroom is on the first floor but I decided to go to the restroom on the fifth floor. No one really goes there because aside from the floor being unused — but really more like an abandoned — library, there were ongoing ghost stories about that floor. But it actually favors me. At least I get to have a peaceful toilet time when I'm there.

Although it was kind of tiring on the legs, I didn't mind. My legs are long so I was able to get there faster. And as usual, there was no line. There were five cubicles parallel to the black marbled sinks, and I went to the last one — my usual spot.

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