Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"He what, Metawin?" Gulf asked as if what I said was something ridiculous.

He leaned on my doorstep, his arms crossed against his chest like a parent strictly monitoring their child. I didn't mind him and continued to prepare for later.

I rolled my eyes, "He invited me to dinner."

"And? What did you say?"

I furrowed my brows. What should I have answered, then? Of course, I said yes. When I asked him what gift he wanted to receive as my token of gratitude to him for everything that he did for me, all he wanted was dinner with me. That's a very simple gift, in my opinion. He could have requested something else, like any tangible thing or even money, really, but he chose a simple dinner with me.

"Of course, I agreed. This is my birthday present for him," I said and went to my study desk to grab my phone that just lit up.

It was a text from Bright. He got my number that same day so he could send me the details of the dinner that would happen tonight. My lips pursed when I remembered our conversation about this. He called me yesterday to tell me about the place he chose for tonight. It was a five-star restaurant, and I was very familiar with it because my father and I have dined there some months ago.

The thing that I'm not entirely okay with is that he wanted to pay. He wanted to pay for our dinner! He wanted to pay when I should be the one doing that. This is my gift to him, so why should he be the one paying? That defeats the purpose of my gift. We argued for a little because of that but he was very persistent on the phone call. He really wanted to pay so in the end, I let him.

That's why I got him a watch as my real gift. It's the same as my Jack Nicklaus' Rolex watch, only in a different color. I didn't know what he liked, so I chose something that I thought would look good on him.

I sighed and opened his message.

Bright Vachirawit:
I'm here.

He is five minutes early. But that was okay for me. I'm already prepared, too.

"He's here," I said.

Gulf was about to comment when we heard a few knocks on our door. I was about to walk past him when he suddenly held my wrist, making me stop on my steps.


I looked at him. "Yes?"

He let go of my wrist and stood properly, facing me. "Do you like Bright?"

My body stiffened with his question. It took me a few seconds before I relaxed a little.

Bright is nice... he's attractive... he's talented. I am not particular about the signs of when a person starts liking someone but based on everything I know from the books I have read, it starts when we start to feel giddy around them. When we start to notice every little thing about them. When we start to feel happy... just by simply seeing them.

So far, I haven't felt all of those with Bright. I am just glad that we're good friends. Just like how I'm glad that I'm friends with Tay. And maybe even Mew. But, no... I have no plans in nurturing my feelings if ever I catch some. Liking someone isn't part of my future plans. It'll just complicate my life.

"No," I replied.

Gulf stared at me intently before slowly nodding. I thought he was done questioning me, but he spoke again.

"But do you ever see yourself... liking him?"

My lips parted at that. I thought about it for a second and slowly, I nodded.

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