Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

"Isn't that Bright Vachirawit?" Damian asked when the small commotion finally subsided and we were able to sit down peacefully on our chairs.

He didn't know what happened years ago between me and Bright, which was understandable because I never really told anyone about it. Not even Gulf, even after we have reconciled. At first, I didn't tell other people because I didn't want to relive the pain our memories brought, but after years have passed, I simply didn't see the importance of telling it anymore.

I just wanted to move forward, and a part of moving forward is never looking back.

I ignored his question and decided to just remove my denim jacket. It was a cold night, but my jacket was already stained and I didn't want to wear it anymore. I'll just have to ask for some coffee or tea to make me feel warm if I feel cold later on.

"That's him, right?" Damian asked again, now eyeing Bright as though he was figuring something out. "Wow, I didn't expect him to be a chef. He looked like a rock star bad boy back in college. Well, he still looked one now. That's why the chef coat he's wearing doesn't fit him well."

I couldn't help but glance at Bright because of what Damian said. In his furrowed brows and the perpetual scowl on his face, Bright looked dark and intimidating, as opposed to everyone who was currently all smiles around him. It was a weird feeling because even though I know that he always has this kind of aura around him before, I think it only became more intense now.

"Yeah, I think..." I said casually.

Seeing him tonight caught me by surprise. Out of all the possible scenarios in my mind before, meeting him at the same place I work was definitely out of the list. Who would've thought I'd meet him in this circumstance? I never even thought I'd see him again, so tonight was definitely surprising.

"You were friends with him, right?" Damian said curiously, "You guys kept in touch?"

Because of that question, I couldn't help but glance at Bright again and I almost fell from my seat when I saw him already looking at me intently. He seems to be talking with the guy in front of him, but his eyes were on me.

It was only for a split second though because as soon as our eyes met, he looked away as if I didn't just catch him staring at me.

I averted my gaze too and shook my head in response to Damian. Thankfully, his questions stopped and we continued to eat dinner peacefully.

The night went by fast, and I thought that I wasn't going to enjoy it but I did. I thought that knowing that Bright was just a few feet away from me was going to be awkward, but it wasn't at all. Although I get conscious every now and then because I feel like he's staring at me, every time I glance in his direction, he's busy listening to whoever's talking in front of him.

Luckily, the employees who I'll be working with were all fun to talk to, and although some of them were too talkative for my liking, they were still great. They made me excited to go to work and know more about them.

"Do you want to have dinner with me again?"

I glanced at my iPad to look at my best friend waiting for my answer. It has now been a week ever since the company dinner and I started working here at the resort. And I admit that it has been fun, however, being an HR manager is a lot of work so I haven't had a lot of free time ever since then.

"Don't you have a boyfriend to eat dinner with? Why are you always inviting me?"

His lips pouted slightly at my question. I'm right, though. Every night since I started working and he started his residency, we've been always eating dinner together. The hospital he's working at is a bit far away from the hotel, so we always need to meet halfway because he still needs to go back to his shift, while I need to go home and rest.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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