Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"What the hell was that?"

I remained quiet as we loaded our groceries inside Gulf's car. He looked confused, betrayed, and surprised all at the same time.

The encounter at the cashier didn't go well. The horndog stared at me like some freak the entire time. It didn't even help that Gulf saw him wink at me twice! If we weren't holding out a long line, Gulf would've probably interrogated Bright and me right then and there.

But he was a social media influencer, as he coins himself. Even though he was not that famous yet, he has a large following on Instagram with over fifty thousand followers. Causing a commotion in the grocery store wouldn't have been good for him. While I wouldn't like the attention it would bring me.

"What are you talking about?" I said as I put on the last eco-bag in his car. We closed the door and went to the seats in front.

"Do you seriously think I didn't notice all his winks and your irritated scoffs at him the entire time, Win?!" Gulf said. "I know he's handsome but... Do you even know that guy?"

I pursed my lips at the compliment in the end.

I sighed when I realized that there was no point in hiding it from Gulf. I should just tell him what really happened and why that damn brute was suddenly acting as if we were close.

"Remember earlier, when I went to the toilet on the fifth floor before our class?"

Gulf looked at me with curious eyes. He started the engine first before he replied, "Yeah?"

"I caught him having sex there..." I slowly said. But it wasn't a surprise when I didn't receive a response from Gulf. He was already used to it since he, himself, have participated in a similar activity. I rolled my eyes.

I remember the first time I caught someone doing it just behind the large trees, still inside the university. God, weren't they scared to get caught? If we were able to see them, then the guards and other professors might see them too! Gulf only laughed at me with how horrified I looked. He said that I should just let them be, as students in our school are always pressured, and thus, are sexually frustrated as well. 

"I kind of waited for them to finish because I didn't want to be rude."

Gulf's eyes widened immediately. "What?"

"I... didn't want to be rude, okay?"

His eyes remained wide open, then his lips parted. After a while, his whole back started vibrating until he finally let out a loud laugh.

I gritted my teeth as he started driving away.

"S-So you mean to say... you practically watched a live show?!" He said, biting his lower lips to refrain from his laugh. "You... the ever innocent Win... watched two people fuck each other?"

"No," I groaned. This was the reaction I expected from him. He wouldn't care about the two people having sex, he cared more about how I reacted to it! "More like... listened. I was inside a cubicle..."

He laughed loudly as he continued to drive while I only closed my eyes and pretended to sleep with the hope that he would shut up. I made the right decision to not tell him about his dream man, then!

Thankfully, he already stopped laughing when we reached our condo although there was still a faint smile on his lips when I glanced at him. I glared at him but it only looked like he was about to laugh again.

We got some help from the front desk because our groceries were just too many to bring on our own. Andy, the front desk clerk, brought us a bell cart as usual. We loaded the bags there and finally went inside the elevator. Our unit is on the 27th floor.

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