Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"What time will your club members arrive?"

It was now Friday afternoon and I'm no way near halfway done with my schoolwork. It doesn't even help that another professor wanted us to watch a movie called A Beautiful Mind and tasked us to write our thoughts about it. That is what I plan to finish tonight.

Gulf was busy ordering food for later. I don't know how he will manage to finish everything this weekend but I know Gulf. He has shit together despite the many things that he does. He even has time to vlog and edit it.

"Around five," he said as he tapped on his phone. I glanced at our wall clock and realized that it was already ten minutes before 5! They must be near.

"We'll stay up very late because we can't practice tomorrow night. We're allotting the whole weekend for schoolwork. We're all graduating students so they agreed to skip practice tomorrow."

I nodded. "What are you practicing for, by the way?"

Gulf's eyes lit up as though he was happy that I asked him. Ever since we were kids, I have always known that he has a passion for anything related to performing. I don't even know why he decided to pursue Psychology.

"We were asked to perform for the university's Christmas festivities!"

It wasn't a surprise. Gulf was pretty active in his club even when we were still in our lower years. He just kind of laid low last year because he wanted to focus on vlogging since he was earning money there. Not that he needs to work so much for money. His parents are rich. He just likes the thought of earning his own money so he wouldn't need to ask for some from his parents.

I smiled a little before sitting beside him. He smiled widely as he pointed to a small stack of papers on the coffee table in front of us. "These are the list of songs we'll choose from to sing in our performance. We'll only pick five songs..."

I nodded and picked up the papers. In it were chords and lyrics of different songs. Some sounded familiar to me, while some, I have never heard before. 

"You can choose our first song if you like."

"Really?" I looked at him, feeling a little excited. "Is that possible?" 

He grinned at my reaction. "I've been with this club for all of my college years, Win. Of course, I can pick the songs we'll perform!"

I nodded at him and carefully checked all the songs. I selected from the list those that I know, and from there, I chose the songs that I kind of liked.

"Picked one yet?" Gulf said. I glanced at his phone and saw that he just placed an order for some pizza and burgers.

My eyes went back to the songs in my hand. I pouted my lips. "Can I... choose one that's not on the list?"

"Why? You don't like the songs here?"

"No. I like the songs that I know. But is it possible to suggest a different song?"

"Hmm. Do I know the song?"

"Well... I haven't really thought of a song yet."

His shoulders fell and it felt like my shoulders fell, too. "But we need to finalize the songs today. And we need to check if the other members know the song, too."

I checked the clock. I still have five minutes to pick! "How about I choose a song and if you guys don't know it, then I'll pick from the ones on the list. Would that be okay?"

Gulf smiled widely and messed with my hair. "Okay."

"I'll scroll through my playlist now..." I said. Gulf nodded when all of a sudden, our doorbell rang. 

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