Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"I told you, Mew did not force me to go there. He did nothing wrong, Gulf..."

Gulf glared at me and continued to find his phone around our living room, ignoring what I just said to him.

It was my fault, really. I failed to inform Gulf that I was going to Bright's. I didn't even check my phone the whole time I was there, so I couldn't respond to his messages either. So when Bright brought me home a little late last night, Gulf got worried. He asked how I got there since I didn't know where Bright lived, and when I answered through Mew, he got mad.

He didn't even enjoy the celebration we had last night because he spent most of the time lecturing me. I thought he was already over it, but I realized he still wasn't when I woke up this morning.

"He left you at a place you're not familiar with!" he exclaimed.

Although he did have a point, I still didn't understand why he was mad. I know he's just worried, but... about what? I am old enough to go wherever I want to. I don't know how to drive, but I always have money to ride a cab. I can go wherever I want to without always informing him of everything.

"I was at Bright's," I said as if that was enough explanation. "I'm friends with him. He did not make me feel uncomfortable at all. He welcomed me properly in their home..."

Gulf didn't seem to listen to my explanation. He looked behind the throw pillows on our sofa one by one and checked if his phone was there. I stood a couple of feet away from him and just watched him move.

If that's what he is worried about—that I was at an unfamiliar place—then he didn't need to. Because Bright never left me alone yesterday. I didn't even mind that I was somewhere unfamiliar because it was Bright who lived there. The Bright whom I consider a friend now. 

"Just ring my phone again," he said.

"Gulf..." I sighed. "I am fine. I got home fine. I also already told you that Bright took care of me there. Why do you keep on blaming Mew?"

When he didn't answer and continued looking behind the pillows for the nth time, I held his wrist, making him stop what he was doing. "You're mad at him?"

"Isn't it obvious?!"

"Not because he left me yesterday," I clarified. "Is it because of something else?"

He stiffened a bit. Gulf gasped a little before looking away from me. Then, I felt him slowly loosen up until his knees bent, sitting slowly on our couch like he was a person who had just lost something.

I let go of his hand and decided to sit beside him, waiting for his response.

"I... I don't know," he whispered. "Maybe."

I slowly nodded. I knew it was weird why Gulf was suddenly pining everything on Mew when the latter did nothing wrong yesterday. I already explained to Gulf what happened, and he knows I didn't particularly appreciate being treated like a child, so he couldn't be mad at Bright or me.

I'm not always great at social cues, but I knew that the reason why he was mad at Mew was that it was for something else. It hasn't been that long since Mew rejected him for the second time, and he never really talked about it again. So I kind of understand why he's feeling like this. Maybe it's all pent up inside of him now.

"Have you talked to him properly?" I asked.

Gulf's shoulder dropped. "N-No..."

"Are you planning to?"

He didn't answer.

I stared at him.

"After your performance on Saturday, will you still be seeing each other again?"

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