•♤• ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕠𝕟𝕖 : 𝕄𝕚𝕕𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕤𝕙𝕖𝕤 •♤•

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Rain. Those small pitter patters of tear drops running down the window, coldness surrounding everything. In nights like this, with Ivan dead asleep on his table, a book in hand to read was all that could cheer me up.

Sitting beside the window, I could faintly see the light coming from the lamp posts illuminating from the dense fog. A grin escapes me. Yes, nights like these are peaceful enough to relax.

Hearing footsteps approaching the room. Familiar footsteps. Paris and his damn heels. I adjusted on my seat, a bit further away from the lighting, just enough for me to stay in the corner.

Out of sight. Out of mind.

My focus returned back at the book. Absentmindedly listening to his shuffles; presumedly cleaning up Ivan's workspace. His voice becoming nothing but a faint sound as my eyes scan over the words.

" Hmph. Did you finally die ?"

Well that's one way to wake someone up. Our dear doting creator must've finally woke up.
Pity, if only he had the time to actually fall asleep then he wouldn't have become that of a zombie. 

 "When was the last time you slept in an actual bed?"

I could tell Paris was folding the papers in order just by how the sounds it made. In which, I took a peak at their conversation. Paris placed a hand on his hip, his focus returning back to Ivan almost in a scolding mother like way. "Good Lord, Ivan. You look wretched."

Ah, at least his honest. He does look wretched ! Reminds me close to my sleepless all nighter's just to study. Just the thought of it slumped my shoulders. Never again.

A sigh came out of the puppet. " Almost as horrid as the rest of the room."

Whether or not he knew I was in here, it almost feels rather directed to me, for the most part. Now ! No more assumptions of what he said or what ever they say ! Let's just return our focus back at the book.

Ivan's voice spoke briefly, with that, I look back up in time for him to adjust his hat. " - Since when did you care about me?"

The question led everyone in silent. With all honesty, I feel a slight misconduct on my actions. Despite everything that happened, it would be a lie that I haven't cared for him.

But knowing what comes with it, it'll seem like a lie for others and I'll become nothing more than a laughing stock.

Best to remain silent and hidden.

" Of course I care." Paris started, eyes glancing at our creator. " It would be terribly inconvenient for me if you died."

I... This puppet. Of course, he'd say it like that. Ivan merely chuckled, he's eyes briefly shine with hope than glisten back to its dullness. Then again, everything went back to silent.

I scrunch my nose; a force of habit when I feel flustered or nervous, that being the latter. My fingers grasp onto the next page, forcing myself to continue the book. Now where were we-

" Don't think I didn't see you, be a dear and help me with cleaning." And here I thought I would be lose free from chores in this new life. Guess not. 

Deciding to clean than to listen to he's nagging, I gently place my book on the seat then grabbed a broom. Walking pass Paris, he's posture slightly slacken then straighten. I brush it off and started sweeping, keeping my mouth shut.

Oh a good night it is. Here comes our grand master walking inside the room all wet from the rain. I swear Polakov has little care indeed. He lightly toss a toy car onto Ivan's hands, sure enough, Ivan gave his thanks and gladly took care of the small toy.

The clown humming in, what I think was assumption, then went out of the room. Lightly bumping onto my shoulder, leaving a bit of rain on me.

He wants to start a fight, doesn't he ? 

" No rest for the wicked I suppose.." I heard Paris mumble, placing the other broom on the side and went to grab the mop. For once, I agree with him.

Taking this chance to stop sweeping, I took a glance back at the door' archway. Polakov' always onto something, I just couldn't put a finger to it.

Simply because I hadn't finished the comic before I "died". So I never got to know what was his pure intentions. Sad, yes. 

With a heavy sigh, I place the broom aside and grab my book. Just in time for Paris to come back with a mop, spouting out mumbles of complains as he moped the now slightly wet floor. Brushing a hair behind my ear, I tiptoed when passing by Paris' mopping. Finally out of that room.

My feet drag me along the floorboards until I reached a certain spot. Reaching my hand up, I grab hold of a small string from above.

Gently tugging it down, soft creaks came out of the attic staircase and a bit of dust escapes from it. Quiet. That was all I need. Climbing up the stairs and sliding on the floorboard, I tug the stairs back and shut the door close.

Ivan rarely comes up here and neither Paris or Polakov bothers to. So, the attic became a small hideout of mine. Somewhere I could read in silence or write something.

Somewhere I could be at peace without the chaos unfolding around us.

Shuffling into a better corner space, I rest my head against the wall.

The moon light pass through the small window. Such calmness, normally around this hour Paris and Polakov' faint quarrels would be heard and poor tired Ivan would try and break them a part.

I listen to it every night I can but never went to see. It's none of my business to know what they're arguing about.

The moon feels so enchanting looking at it. The rain had died down by now, I close the book and admired the silence. Looking at the pale circle at the window, I let out a soft chuckle, this reminded me of the scene from Princess and the frog.

Another set of emotions wash over me. Hopeful. 

Yes, hopeful for something. Back then, younger me would wish upon a star, helplessly hoping to dance under the moonlight with someone, like how princess Tiana and prince Naveen did - only not transformed into frogs-

Without anyone to see it. My hands clasp together and my head tilted down as I close my eyes. Childish, I know, but I am still a child at heart, or so to say.

" Star so bright, Star so far. Make my wish come true, I wish.."


Stay sweet~♥︎


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