•♤• ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖 : 𝔸𝕔𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨𝕝𝕖𝕕𝕘𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥 •♤•

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Another late evening. Evenings like these are becoming much of a comfortable bliss for me but tonight, it feels more like a test. A test Ivan possibly set up for lil ol' me. 

To see how I do. What I'd do. 

If so, it'll explain the uneasiness slithering around me like a snake. Either Polakov or Paris had been sent out to watch over me - presumedly to see me fail. Well, if that were the case, I suppose I should try and have that cocky attitude they both have. Tsk. 

The moonlight gaze down upon me as silence surrounded the walk. It's a bit dark but not too much. I was left with my unnerving thoughts - really trying my hardest to be ignorant of the LONG stare from the shadows - I had to force myself not to take a glance to sent a glare. 

Shaking my head, I continued walking. The street light becoming dimmer as the houses became solemn looking. Then finally a two story apartment building, I let out a sigh and straighten my posture. The off-white cloak swaying. It was suitable for fighting and quite fashionable but I had to disagree with the color scheme. 

White is a lovely color, yes, but not applicable for night missions. It stands out a bit. I'll discuss this silly fashion crisis on another time, for now, I have to return back to focus mode. 

"Now where are you.." Second floor of the apartment, room one o nine, end room of the hallway to the right side. There should be a monkey with cymbals attach to it. Out of every toy Ivan made, he just had to sent me to a monkey that makes noises. 

Scanning the surroundings, I quicken my pace and stride over to the narrow lane from where an attach staircase led up to an open window. Just my luck, it was thebwindow connecting from the left side of hallway and at the fine end of it was the room I was looking for.

As I step further down, the feeling of someone's eyes on me had left. 

It wasn't a surprise that he or even they had to wait outside. After all it made sense that they can't be seen by anyone, more or less, me as well. But it was nice of him/them to take precautions.  

The door was slightly ajar when I step foot inside. An artistic mess it was. Really. 

Some vases were knocked over, a few mud on the lovely carpet, white cloths covering something with paint cans on the sides. To bring a touch of artistic measure - splashes of dried paint on the walls and on the floor. It's an art studio.

It would be nice to catch a glimpse of these paintings but work comes first - always will. 

Now where is little Jolly Chimp placed ( Ivan truly does have a knack for names). The floorboards creak under the weight of it, eyes scanning every nook and cranny of the room yet no signs of anything that could be deem as a monkey.

At the very least, I could've left the room disappointed until another weight creaked the floorboard. And that was when I stop and listened closely. 

Come now little one... Let me hear it again. 

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