•♤• ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕨𝕖𝕝𝕧𝕖 : 𝔹𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕥𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕡𝕒𝕤𝕥 •♤•

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SPOILERS for the next few chapters would be based of the flashback arc of the comic, that's why it took me a while to publish. Enjoy. 



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The sudden sound of something being thrown at the table jolted both me and Ivan, my gaze was filled with uneasiness as I locked eyes with Polakov who just stood there at the entrance of the door - staring at us.

The sight of the bagged sack made me shiver. I knew Polakov does this whenever he goes out on missions but damn it, it just gives an off vibe.  

" Ha.. You're back, how did it go-" Ivan's words were caught off when Polakov just spoke abruptly. Rude much ?

" Successful containment." 

The sack slowly moved and the sight sent shivers down my spine. Black ooze had begun to slip out of the sack staining the table.

Just the sight of it was.. how can I say it with words ? Disgusting or maybe frightening but curiosity got the best of me as I began to realize something.

This was familiar...

The setting... the dialogue...

This scene... was a chapter that was suppose to happen during the early years of Polakov. Why-why am I here ? Polakov was made months or even a year before me - I can't remember exactly - so why now is this scene appearing..

I was so lost in thought that once I broke out of it, the scene in front of me made me cringe slightly. The way Ivan held Polakov was like a father being proud of their son while the other siblings were just off to the side.

Not seen or even thought about just off to the side. 

"Th-That's incredible ! Simply brilliant, I knew you would be great."

Ivan's words gave an off feeling inside even Paris seemed unamused by it. I stood beside the lonesome puppet, the two of us sharing an unwanted yet similar feel as we gave each other a glance before looking back at the way Ivan gave Polakov endless praise.

I know how it feels but once the praises are done then replaced with expectations are nothing but a terrible need to just be better.

Paris knows that better than anyone else - better than me. 


An hour had passed and Ivan gave us all individual tasks. I took my cloak off the rack and exhaled. How much longer will the flashback chapters end again ? 

Did it end on chapter ninety-nine ? or a hundred ? 

My memory is getting fuzzy as the days went on. Fuck, if I can't even recall a minor moment in the comic who knows what would happen if I just suddenly disturbed one incident.

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