Bonnie's Crush [Re-Written]

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Honestly, maybe you should've turned William's offer to help down as it was causing even more distractions for you. You could see his biceps flex through the fitted button down shirt he was wearing, who in their right mind wouldn't be staring? You were so distracted by him you almost forgot that you were working on an arcade machine with a jammed coin slot. Your eyes were focused solely on William as he helped Freddy reattach his arm, which had been pulled off by a child. You yelped as you felt something hard hit the back of your head.

"What - Hey!" You exclaimed, spinning around to look at what had hit you. What you weren't expecting was to see Toy Bonnie standing there with his arms crossed. He had a smug look plastered on his plastic face. "So, you have a thing for Afton?" He snickered, obviously trying to tease you. Your face flushed in embarrassment as you froze up, not knowing how to reply.

"Shut up!" You snapped back in reply. "You and Freddy are probably getting it on after hours when no one's looking!" You blurted, quickly turning back towards the arcade machine and going back to fixing the jammed slot. Bonnie's eyes went wide and you could hear his internal fan whirring behind his plastic outer shell, meaning that his servos had begun to heat up. You paused your work, slowly turning to look at him again, face contorted in shock and horror.

"Please tell me you're overheating due to your cheap servos and not because you are actually getting hot and heavy with Freddy fucking Fazbear." You blanked, staring at the rabbit dumbfoundedly. Bonnie covered his face with his hands, falling into a sitting position beside you with a thud. Putting down the knife you were currently using to pry out the quarters stuck in the machine, you crossed your arms like a parent waiting for their kids to plead on why they shouldn't be grounded. Bonnie let out a defeated sigh.

"Okay it's not what you think!" Bonnie started. "Me and Fred ain't boning or anything behind the scenes! I just uhh, kinda have a crush on him is all. So don't get any wrong ideas!" He explained, obviously embarrassed he was admitting it to you.

"Aww! Bon, that's so cute! Do you plan on confessing to him any time soon?" You asked, playfully shoving Bonnie. He moved his hands away from his face and looked at you, almost like he was offended that you would propose such an idea.

"Are you dumb!" He screeched. "I can't confess to him - imagine if he didn't like me back or something! I live with the motherfucker, that'd be so weird! Like, 'Oh, hey there Fred, remember when you got weirded out and started hating me because I asked you out and you didn't like me?' I'd rather DIE!" He ranted, getting very worked up. His cooling fans were now working overtime, whirring loudly. You looked at him before glancing around the room, noticing Chica talking to Freddy by the stage.

"Bon, why don't you just ask Chica, or Mangle if Freddy likes you? That way if he doesn't like you, you know not to confess, and nothing is awkward." You reasoned, making the robot's face light up. You could swear a lightbulb lit up over his head. "I never thought of that! Thanks uhh," He leaned over to read the shiny metal name tag on the chest of your shirt. "[Name]! Maybe you're not as bad as we all thought you were! Good luck with Mr. Afton!" He exclaimed before standing up quickly.

He looked around the room before spotting Chica walking over to Kids Cove. He ran over to her, dodging between kids and parents as he did. He caught up to her quickly and the two began talking as they continued walking towards Kids Cove.

You turned to continue what you were doing once the two walked out of your sight. Not stare at William, no, but work on the jammed slot. After what seemed like forever, your shift was finally over. You were sweaty, tired, and covered in grease, and what was probably multiple bodily fluids. After gathering anything you may have left in rooms like the security office or William's office, you made sure to bid the Withereds and Toy Bonnie goodbye. William caught up with you as you walked out of the establishment. The two of you made small talk as he locked the glass door to the restaurant.. He told you that he may not be able to find a new qualified engineer by tomorrow, so he'd most likely be helping you again.

"Yeah, so since I'll be busy helping you I asked the co-owner to come and take over paperwork for me. His name is Henry, and he'll be in my office tomorrow. Just wanted to let you know." He informed you, opening the door to his car. You nodded, showing that you heard what he said. You noted what he said in the back of your mind, along with the fact that it seemed that there was someone in his car waiting for him. He closed his car door and drove off, leaving you alone in front of the restaurant.

You got into your own car, starting it. You fiddled with the radio for a second, settling on a rock channel before driving out of the parking lot. By the time you got home, it was around eight at night but you were extremely tired. If you weren't also extremely hungry, you would've passed out on the couch the second you sat down. Instead you pulled out your phone and dialed the number to the closest Chinese place as you were sinking into the soft material of your couch. After ordering your usual order, you grabbed the TV remote and put on a random YouTube video that popped up in your recommended feed.

Eventually, though, you felt your eyelids getting heavy. You tried to stay awake as long as you could, but you eventually reasoned that you'd get woken up by the doorbell, so a quick nap wouldn't hurt.

God I Hate This Job - William Afton x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now