The Last Thing You'd Want To Find Out

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 You had finally arrived at your home, slamming the door behind you as you entered. You looked at the analog clock hung on your wall, pausing as you realized it was already a few minutes past midnight and you had just slammed your door shut. You internally hoped you didn't wake any of your neighbors up before dropping your keys on the small table beside the door, next to the fake potted plant you kept there to add some decoration to your apartment. You trekked through your living room and down the short hallway to your bedroom, pushing the half-closed door open and grabbing some comfortable clothes. The silence of your apartment contrasted the loudness of your job, which was welcomed. You listened to the hum of electricity and the muffled noise from the apartments next to yours as you walked out of your room and into the bathroom, placing the clothes you had chosen onto the counter. You threw off your work clothes that were stained with oil, grease, and some food and turned on the shower, letting it warm up as you put on a good mystery podcast. You liked the podcast as the two hosts actually treated the victims like people and the crimes like real things that happened that took people's lives. The intro had just ended as you stepped into the shower that burned your skin, but in a pleasant way. You recalled the times when your parents scolded you for showering too hot when you lived with them.

"Hello, everyone, and welcome back to Real Life Mysteries. Today we will be covering a less known story from the small town of Hurricane, Utah," One of the hosts said as you wetted your washcloth.

"Yes, most of you will not know this story as it happened back in the 1980s and was not widely covered at the time, but we felt the need to cover it as we actually lived there at the time this happened and my parents were close to the affected family," The second host spoke, waiting a second to speak after his co host had spoke. Speaking of his co host, you could hear her take a deep breath.

"Let's get into the story," She took a pause to clear her throat and probably grab her script. "This all happened starting back in the year 1983. It was June 23rd, a Thursday. In the Afton family, this day was their youngest son's, Evan's, 8th birthday. The father, William Afton-" The name made you pause and furrow your eyebrows. You could swear that the name was suspiciously similar to your boss', but you shook it off. Just a coincidence, is what you told yourself. Something, though, felt off to you. "Owned a small restaurant chain that will not be named to keep the company's name from being tainted anymore than it already has. The family decided to have the child's birthday at his father's establishment." The host said. You narrowed your eyes at her words. 

"This establishment contained many robots but had two robots that were a special type of animatronics, referred to as spring-locks. Basically the animatronic suits were able to be worn even with all the like, wires and junk inside of it. The spring-locks were designed to hold the endoskeleton, or basically the robot's guts, back to give enough space for a grown man to wear the suit. I remember the owners of the place wore them, William wore the bunny one that was named Springbonnie. He would always bring out cakes to the kids," The man laughed, obviously feeling nostalgic. "I remember one time I was really sad because my dad was in the hospital after a work accident. I really liked the fox animatronic but I kept being pushed away from his stage by kids. He saw me upset and after his show ended he let me backstage to see him. I was so happy," The host said, and you can just tell he was smiling. The other host laughed.

"Yeah, William loved kids so much. I have a similar story to yours, but in mine I was sad that my dog had died. William felt so bad about what happened that he showed up to my house one day with a puppy that looked so much like my Cupcake. For those at home already making conspiracy theories, he knew where I lived because I had playdates with his daughter, who we'll talk about shortly," The female host said. By now you were seriously confused. Robots? Guy named William with kids and a restaurant? You remembered when Michael had told you about his deceased mom and siblings, and then it suddenly clicked in your mind that this was, in fact, about your boss. Even though it was all so obvious to you now, a small part of your brain still tried to come up with other explanations for all of this. Your thoughts spiraled as you continued listening.

God I Hate This Job - William Afton x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now