Why Don't They Just Ask?

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this fic is a fucking wreck between being a serious angst fic and being a comedy and i wouldn't have it any other way tbh!!!


"Are you okay?" Michael asked quietly, throwing a glance at you over his shoulder as he brewed coffee. You and him were alone in the kitchen, his father in the shower. You looked up, noting his frown and concerned gaze. You took a deep, calming breath.

"No." You answered honestly. Michael turned back towards the coffee machine.

"Do you want to talk about it? I'm always here for you." Michael asked, his voice low and still slightly groggy from sleep. You looked down at the bowl of cereal going mushy in front of you. You sighed.

"I had a nightmare." You admitted in a small voice. "Last night. I... something was coming after me in that room. It found me." Your spoon clinked against the side of the bowl. "It wasn't Bonnie... It looked like him. It wasn't." You looked back up at Michael. He had turned fully towards you now, eyes open and face pale. He knew something. You wondered what.

You didn't ask.

"I'm sorry that happened." Michael said after a moment. "I'd ask if you want to call in sick today, but I doubt you'd want to be alone here after that. Take it easy today, I'll try and help you around the place." Michael gave a comforting smile. You looked back down at your bowl. You could hear the shower turn off, meaning that William should be out soon enough to drive you, and Michael, to work. You hoped working would get your mind off of it.

This is stupid, you huffed to yourself in thought. You didn't understand why you were so hung up on a nightmare. They had never bothered you before, but then again you hadn't had a 'real' nightmare since you were a kid. It was a stupid nightmare about a grossly oversized Bonnie, it makes sense that you would eventually have a dream about work. Especially after all the stress that you had been through after your house got broken into by a stalker and you were forced to sleep elsewhere for your own safety. You went to sleep scared and stressed, and are queasy over a dream you had connected to a place you spend a good chunk of your day in.

Still, you couldn't shake the feeling that you were missing something. Like there was more to the dream, or that there was something else that caused it other than the previously mentioned circumstances. Even then, you didn't know why you felt so sick to your stomach. You could barely sit down and eat your cereal without feeling vomit begin to rise in your chest. Michael sat besides you at the table, and reached over to rub your shoulder and the bit of your back he could reach whenever he noticed you begin to pale more than you already were.

It wasn't long before William was showered and ready to go, sending you concerned looks as the three of you left the house and got into the car. He looked over to Michael, who called shotgun, looking for answers. Michael shot him a look before proceeding to speak about whatever really came to his mind, filling the silence and trying to distract you. It began working, and you found your thoughts being drawn farther and farther away from the bad experience as you engaged with him in a very playful argument about the best kind of pizza. William even joined in, arguing for the tastiness Hawaiian pizza which made you and Michael temporarily team up against him. By the time you arrived at work you were feeling a lot better overall, and you found yourself actually excited to see your robotic friends and catch up on all the chaos in your life.

Sans the nightmare, of course, you didn't want to offend them.

Michael and William could both tell that you were feeling a lot better after the car ride, but that didn't stop William from motioning Michael to follow him to his office so that they could talk about what had happened that made you so upset that morning. You tried not to think about it and instead busied yourself in chatting with Jeremy, Chica, Bonnie, Mangle and Freddy about the stalker and break-in that said stalker had committed. You confided in them that you were staying with William and Michael for the time being, Chica and Bonnie making sly comments when you told them.

God I Hate This Job - William Afton x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now